New Testing Available
Boise State University Public Health is excited to offer a new self-collected, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing option to all campus and community members!
This new self-collected urine test tests for the following STIs:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Trichomoniasis
- Mycoplasma Genitalium
Free with qualifying insurance or $75 out-of-pocket
Important Information
STIs can often exhibit without symptoms and can lead to complications including cervicitis, urethritis, preterm labor, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and can increase the risk of contracting HIV. Regular screening is an important step to keep healthy. What more information? Check the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on STI testing.
Where can I get a test?
Look for these boxes at key locations around campus including the Resident Hall lobbies, Recreation Center locker rooms, Campus School building lobby, Norco building lobby and first floor bathrooms in Hemingway, the Science Building, the Education Building, ILC, Center for Visual Arts, Micron Business and Economics Building, Multipurpose Classroom building, Fine Arts building, Admin building, Albertsons library, Communications building, Pioneer Hall, Boulder Hall, and Student Union Building (near bathrooms under central stairs). Return your sample to the Campus School Building drop box located on the corner of Brady and University.

Covered by insurance or low out-of-pocket cost* *See package insert for details