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Fun Things to Do on Bronco Giving Days!

It’s Bronco Giving Days!

Bronco Giving Day is an annual 36-hour fundraising event that drives support for more than 200 causes and organizations across the university. On Feb 26 and 27th, there are all kinds of fun challenges that you can do to score the Psych department an extra chunk of change for our Student Center remodel (or whatever cause you feel like donating to). For example, you can post a picture of your pet in their Bronco gear on social media with the hashtag #BroncosGive for a chance to designate $100 to the fund of your choice. You can find one of the 15 stuffed Buster Broncos hiding around campus. You can answer Trivia Questions on X. There are also challenges for Greek Life, Club Sports, Athletics, and more. You can learn more about those here. 

We have raised 88% of our fundraising goal. This year, on Bronco Giving Day (Feb. 26-27th), we hope to finish our Student Center Remodel campaign. Every dollar counts, and we would appreciate your contributions to our new Student Center space. 

If you are interested in making a donation, please visit the Department of Psychological Science Bronco Giving Day Pony Up campaign. 

Thank you for your support! Be on the lookout for an Open House event later this Spring!