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Spring 2024 TA and RA Positions Now Available

Orange pencil resting on top of a book and notebook

Becoming a Teaching Assistant (TA) or a Research Assistant (RA) is a great way to earn upper-division credit, build your resume, gain professional experience, and work closely with a faculty member, which could lead to a letter of recommendation.

What Does a TA Do?

TA duties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Attending class meetings
  • Holding office hours
  • Answering student questions
  • Grading

What Does a RA Do?

RA duties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reading articles
  • Writing literature reviews
  • Inputting and coding data
  • Conducting research
  • Presenting research findings

How Many Times Can I Serve as a TA or RA?

The Department of Psychological Science allows students to serve as a TA for a maximum of 9 credits. Students may enroll in PSYC 401 a maximum of 1 time (3 credits) and may enroll in PSYC 402 a maximum of 2 times (6 credits). Students can also serve as a RA for a maximum of 9 credits.

How Do I Apply?

Interested applicants must apply and be accepted by the faculty member they wish to work with to be granted a permission number to enroll in TA or RA credits. Each instructor’s application requirements are listed on the following linked spreadsheet, as well as their application deadlines.

If you have any questions about TA or RA positions, reach out to PSYC Advising ( or stop by during our office hours.