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PSYC Summer Course Offerings

Group of students sitting on grass with backpacks and paper around them.

Taking Summer classes can help you reach your goals more quickly, allow you to concentrate on one course at a time, and allow you to complete prerequisite requirements before the start of the Fall semester.

Summer classes are also a great way to save money, as Summer per-credit rates are lower than Fall and Spring per-credit rates for regular courses. Financial aid is also available — visit Boise State’s Summer website to learn more.

Disclaimer: Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions/degree requirements/admission standards/program learning outcomes/etc. are published on the Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog site.

PSYC Summer Course Offerings

PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 101 course description

When is it available?

  • Section 4001: 1st 3-week session – Online
  • Section 4002: 2nd 5-week session – Online

PSYC 120: Introduction to the Psychology Major

PSYC 120 course description

When is it available?

2nd 5-week session – Online

PSYC 155: Introduction to R Programming

PSYC 155 course description

When is it available?

1st 3-week session – In-person

PSYC 261: Human Sexuality

PSYC 261 course description

When is it available?

1st 7-week session – In-person

PSYC 271: Human Relationships

PSYC 271 course description

When is it available?

14-week session – Online

PSYC 295: Statistical Methods

PSYC 295 course description

When is it available?

1st 3-week course – Online

PSYC 301: Abnormal Psychology

PSYC 301 course description

When is it available?

1st 3-week session – Remote

PSYC 309: Child Development

PSYC 309 course description

When is it available?

1st 7-week session – Online

PSYC 310: Adolescent and Adult Development

PSYC 310 course description

When is it available?

2nd 5-week session – Online

PSYC 321: Research Methods

PSYC 321 course description

When is it available?

1st 3-week session – Online

PSYC 331: The Psychology of Health

PSYC 331 course description

When is it available?

1st 5-week session – Online

PSYC 341: Perception

PSYC 341 course description

When is it available?

1st 3-week session – Online

PSYC 357: Introduction to Counseling Skills

PSYC 357 course description

When is it available?

2nd 5-week session – Online

PSYC 367: Neuroscience of Human Brain Research

PSYC 367 course description

When is it available?

1st 5-week session – Online

PSYC 431: Social Psychology

PSYC 431 course description

When is it available?

1st 5-week session – Online

PSYC 487: Capstone Perspectives – History and Systems

PSYC 487 course description

When is it available?

2nd 5-week session – Online

Special Topics Summer Courses

Special topics courses introduce interesting, diverse topics that are not routinely offered to students. They are also a great way to earn upper-division elective credit. Special topics courses are typically offered one-time only, so be sure to register while you can!

PSYC 294: What is Traumatic Experience?

This workshop emphasizes trauma from violence, including responders and their exposure to its impact. We will look at the impact of trauma, implications on persons and relationships, and practices to aid in the recuperate efforts informed by the latest research.

When is it available?

Special session 2 – In-person

PSYC 397: Foundations of Clinical Psychology

This course covers both historical and modern theoretical approaches to clinical psychology and therapeutic practice. This class will help students to explain modern clinical psychology theory, compare and contrast various psychotherapeutic approaches (learned through both reading and watching these approaches applied), and analyze issues associated with psychotherapy.

When is it available?

10-week session – Online

PSYC 494: What is Traumatic Experience?

This workshop emphasizes trauma from violence, including responders and their exposure to its impact. We will look at the impact of trauma, implications on persons and relationships, and practices to aid in the recuperate efforts informed by the latest research.

When is it available?

Special session 2 – In-person

PSYC 497: Evolutionary Psychology

This course is designed to introduce students to the study of psychology from an evolutionary perspective using an adaptationist lens similar to how evolutionary biologists study other species. In doing so, the evolved function of various psychological mechanisms will be considered. Topics included food preferences, human mating, sexual conflict, friendship, parenting, kin selection, and cooperation.

When is it available?

1st 3-week session – Online

PSYC 497: Psychology of Aging

This course is designed to provide students with an overview and introduction to the aging process from a psychological perspective. Course content will focus on the behavioral and cognitive changes that occur during the normal again process. Topics covered in the course include age differences in learning, memory, perceptual, and intellectual abilities; investigating the physiological, cognitive, sensory, personality, and interpersonal changes that occur with aging; major theories and stereotypes about aging and older adults; cognitive disorders associated with aging; and personal transitions later in life.

When is it available?

1st 5-week session – Online