The Master of Arts in Counseling degree consists of a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours of course work designed to prepare professionals to counsel in a variety of settings. Students are required to enroll in one of two cognate areas: school counseling or addiction counseling. Courses promote the acquisition of the knowledge and skill development in the eight core areas listed in the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The School Counseling cognate and the Addiction Counseling cognate are both CACREP accredited. A limited number of students are admitted each year and placement is competitive.
The Addiction Counseling cognate prepares professionals to work with individuals and families affected by substance abuse and other addictive behaviors in education, prevention and intervention settings. This cognate area focuses on assessment, treatment, and relapse prevention as well as models of prevention and intervention for addiction. Graduates of the Addiction Counseling cognate may choose to work in private practice or in a variety of community agencies offering counseling services for substance abuse.
Below is state specific licensure information for the Addiction Counseling cognate.
Addiction Counseling Cognate State Disclosures
Alabama Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Alabama upon meeting the following additional requirements including  a state appropriate exam (NCE). The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Alabama’s Board of Examiners in Counseling website or contact them at (334) 420-7229 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Alaska Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Alaska upon meeting the following additional requirements including a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE) and 3,000 post-degree hours completed within two years. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Alaska’s Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing website or contact them at (907) 465-8444 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Arizona Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Arizona upon meeting the following additional requirements including state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE) and 3,200 supervised hours completed within two years. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Arizona’s Board of Behavioral Health Examiners website or contact them at (602) 542-1882 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Arkansas Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Arkansas upon meeting the following additional requirements including state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE), completion of 3,000 supervised hours (post-degree work hours may be substituted when transferring into state), and completion of state mandated course in Family and Therapy. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Arkansas’ Board of Examiners for Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy website or contact them at (501) 683-5800 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
California Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of California upon meeting the following additional requirements including state appropriate exam (NCMHCE and California Law and Ethics), completion of 3,000 supervised hours, completion of state mandated courses in Human Sexuality, (California) Law & Ethics, and (California) Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit California’s Board of Behavioral Sciences website or contact them at (916) 574-7830 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Colorado Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Colorado upon meeting the following additional requirements including a state appropriate exam (NCE), and completion of 2,000 post-degree experience hours with a minimum 100 hours of supervision with board-approved supervisor. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Colorado’s Department of Regulatory Agencies website or contact them at (303) 894-7800 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Connecticut Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Connecticut. The Masters in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Connecticut’s Department of Public Health website or contact them at (860) 509-7603 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Delaware Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Delaware upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE), completion of 1,600 supervised hours, and completion of 30 post-masters credit hours (or 3,200 supervised hours). The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Delaware’s Division of Professional Regulation website or contact them at (302) 744-4500 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
District of Colmbia
District of Columbia Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the District of Columbia upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE), and completion of 3,500 supervised hours post-degree. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit the District of Columbia’s DC Health website or contact them at (202) 442-5955 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Florida Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate does not meet the professional licensure standards for the state of Florida. The Master of Arts in Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Florida’s Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling website or contact them at (850) 488-0595 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Georgia Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Georgia upon meeting the following additional requirements: first obtaining a Provisional/Temporary Licensure, which requires 1,000 in-program supervised hours and additional coursework in human sexuality and counseling in community settings. Additional requirements for Standard licensure includes completion of a state appropriate exam and 2 years post-program supervised work experience hours.. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Georgia’s Secretary of State website or contact them at (404) 424-9966. for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Hawaii Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Hawaii upon meeting the following additional requirements including a state appropriate exam (NCE), and completion of 3,000 post-graduation supervised work hours. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Hawaii’s Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs website or contact them at (808) 586-3000 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Idaho Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Idaho upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE), and 200 additional supervised hours. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Idaho’s Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses website or contact them at (208) 334-3233 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Idaho Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Idaho upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE), and 200 additional supervised hours. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Idaho’s Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses website or contact them at (208) 334-3233 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Indiana Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Indiana upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCMHCE). The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling.
Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board – Professional Licensing Agency contact:(317) 234-2054
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Iowa Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Iowa. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Iowa’s Department of Public Health website or contact them at (515) 281-7689 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Kansas Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Kansas. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Kansas’ Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board website or contact them at (785) 296-3240 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Kentucky Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Kentucky. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Kentucky’s Department of Professional Licensing website or contact them at (502) 564-3296 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Louisiana Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Louisiana upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHE) for a Provisional/Temporary Licensure. Exam and 2,000 post-program supervised hours are required for Full/Permanent licensure. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Louisiana’s State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors website or contact them at (225) 295-8444  for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Louisiana Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Louisiana upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHE) for a Provisional/Temporary Licensure. Exam and 2,000 post-program supervised hours are required for Full/Permanent licensure. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Louisiana’s State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors website or contact them at (225) 295-8444  for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Maryland Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Maryland upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE and Maryland Law Assessment), and completion of 3,000 supervised hours. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Maryland Department of Health website or contact them at (410) 767-6500 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Massachusetts Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Massachusetts. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Massachusetts’ State website or contact them at (781) 774-6627 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Michigan Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Michigan. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Michigan’s Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website or contact them at (517) 335-1980 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Minnesota Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Minnesota. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Minnesota’s Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy website or contact them at (651) 201 – 2756 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Mississippi Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Mississippi. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Mississippi’s Licensed Professional Counselor website or contact them at (601) 359-1010 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Missouri Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Missouri. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Missouri’s Licensed Professional Counselor website for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Montana Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of  Montana upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE), and completion of 3,000 supervised hours (minimum 1,500 occurring post masters). The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Montana’s Department of Labor and Industry website or contact them at (406) 444-6880 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Nebraska Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Nebraska upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE), and completion of 3,000 supervised hours (minimum 1,500 occurring post masters). The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling.
Nebraska Office of Behavioral Health & Consumer Services contact:(402) 471-2117
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Nevada Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Nevada. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Nevada’s Board of Examiners website or contact them at (702) 486-7388 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of New Hampshire. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review New Hampshire’s Office of Professional Licensure and Certification website or contact them at (603) 271-2152 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
New Jersey
New Jersey Licensure Information
It is currently undetermined if Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of New Jersey. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs website or contact them at (973) 504-6582 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
New Mexico
New Mexico Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of New Mexico. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review New Mexico’s Boards and Commissions website or contact them at (505)476-4500 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
New York
New York Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of New York upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCMHCE), and completion of 3,000 post-degree supervised hours.. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit New York’s Office of Professions website or contact them at (518) 474-3817, Press 1 then ext. 300 (voice) for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
North Carolina
North Carolina Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of North Carolina. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review North Carolina’s Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors website or contact them at (844) 622-3572 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state/territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
North Dakota
North Dakota Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of North Dakota. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review North Dakota’s Board of Counselor Examiners website or contact them at (701) 667-5969 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Ohio Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Ohio. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Ohio’s Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board website or contact them at (614) 466-0912 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Oklahoma Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Oklahoma. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Oklahoma’s State Board of Behavioral Health website or contact them at (405) 522-3696 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Oregon Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Oregon upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE, Oregon State Law and Rules Exam), and completion of 2,400 post-degree supervised hours. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Oregon’s Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists website or contact them at (503) 378-5499 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Pennsylvania Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Pennsylvania. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Pennsylvania’s Department of State website or contact them at (717) 783-1389 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Rhode Island. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Rhode Island’s Department of Health website or contact them at (401) 222-5960 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
South Carolina
South Carolina Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of South Carolina. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review South Carolina’s Labor Licensing Regulation website or contact them at (803) 896-4658 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
South Dakota
South Dakota Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of South Dakota. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review South Dakota’s Board of Examiners for Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists website or contact them at (605) 224-1721 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Tennessee Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Tennessee. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Tennessee’s Department of Health website or contact them at (615) 741-5735 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Texas Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of  Texas upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE and Texas Jurisprudence Exam), and completion of 3,000 post-degree supervised hours.. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Texas’ Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors website or contact them at (512) 776-7111 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
Utah Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Utah. Applicants may qualify for the Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor based on individual board review and reciprocity may be available for individuals licensed in another state with 4,000 of supervised experience. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Utah’ s Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing website or contact them at (801) 530-6628 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Vermont Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Vermont. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Vermont’s Office of Professional Regulation website or contact them at (802) 828-1505  for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Virginia Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate does not meet the professional licensure standards for the state of Virginia. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Virginia’s Department of Health Professions website or contact them at (804) 367-4610 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Washington Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets professional licensure standards in the state of Washington upon meeting the following additional requirements including completion of a state appropriate exam (NCE or NCMHCE), completion of 3,000 post-degree supervised hours, and completion of state mandated training (HIV/AIDS). The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please visit Washington’s State Department of Health website or contact them at (360) 236-4700 for additional information.
Information last reviewed 8/16/2024.
West Virginia
West Virginia Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Masters of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards in the state of West Virginia. The MA in Counseling Program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum of 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling.
West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling contact: 304-558-5494
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Wisconsin Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Wisconsin. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Wisconsin’s Department of Safety and Professional Services website or contact them at (608) 266-2112 for details about professional licensure requirements in the state.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Wyoming Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the state of Wyoming. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling.
Wyoming Mental Health Professionals Licensing Board contact: (307) 777-3628
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the territory of Puerto Rico. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Puerto Rico’s Department of Health website or contact them at 1-(800)-981-0023 for details about professional licensure requirements in the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling.
USVI Board of Psychology Examiners contact: 340-774-0117
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
American Samoa
American Samoa Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the territory of American Samoa. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review American Samoa’s Department of Health website or contact them at (684) 633-4116 for details about professional licensure requirements in the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Guam Licensure Information
It is currently undetermined if Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the territory of Guam. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Guam’s Board of Allied Health Examiners website or contact them at (671) 735-7404 thru 7411 for details about professional licensure requirements in the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate does not meet the professional licensure standards for the territory of the Marshall Islands. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review the Marshall Island’s government website or contact them at (692) 625 36 78/79 for details about professional licensure requirements in the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Federated States of Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate does not meet the professional licensure standards for the territory of the Federated States of Micronesia. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling.  Please visit The Federated States of Micronesia’s Government Home Page or call them at (691) 320-2228 for additional information about obtaining licensure within the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Northern Mariana Islands
Northern Mariana Islands Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate meets the professional licensure standards for the territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review the Northern Mariana Island’s Board of Professional Licensing website or contact them at (670) 664-4809 for details about professional licensure requirements in the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.
Palau Licensure Information
Boise State University’s Master of Arts in Counseling, Addiction Counseling Cognate does not meet the professional licensure standards for the territory of Palau. The Master of Counseling program is accredited by CACREP and students are required to complete a supervised minimum 100 hour practicum and 700 hour internship in a clinical setting, which includes behavioral health and addiction counseling. Please review Palau’s Bureau of Health Administration and Support Services website or contact them at (680) 488-2552/2553/4046/8048/8663/2813 for details about professional licensure requirements in the territory.
Information last reviewed 7/1/2024.