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Artwork Files and Specs

We want to ensure the best quality professional printing. To achieve this we need the best possible artwork files.

Acceptable artwork file types

  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) – preferred file type, include .125″ bleeds when necessary
  • Adobe InDesign (.indd) – package and include all fonts and links
  • Adobe Illustrator (.ai or .eps) – outline all fonts
  • Adobe Photoshop (.psd or .tif)
  • High Resolution .jpg or .png files sometimes work, but most often the resolution is too low for printing
  • Other files types (PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Excel) usually require additional setup charges. Please send these as press ready PDFs.

File specifications

  • All images must be at least 300 dpi at 100% print size
  • Create or convert all photos and graphics to CYMK, no RGB color swatches
  • Include .125″ bleeds when necessary (printing to trim edge, no white border)
  • All fonts and linked image files must be attached when applicable
  • Or, outline fonts or convert to paths, and embed photos and graphics