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Naming University Facilities and Programs (Policy 11000)

University Policy 11000

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**This policy is under review due to an Idaho State Board of Education-approved organizational change in the University Advancement Division**

Effective Date

November 2005

Last Revision Date

September 23, 2022

Responsible Party

Vice President for University Advancement, (208) 426-3276
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, (208) 426-1200

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to the naming of University facilities and Programs, including naming rights that are not permanent in nature and come in the form of advertising or sponsorships. The guidelines in this policy do not apply to the naming of scholarships, fellowships, or professorships.

Additional Authority

  • State Board of Education Policy, Section I.K.
  • University Policy 6030 (University Contracts)
  • University Policy 9100 (Sign Policy)
  • University Policy 9170 (Capital Needs Request)
  • University Policy 9180 (University Sponsorship)
  • Boise State University Foundation Gift Acceptance Policy

1. Policy Purpose

To provide guidelines for requesting that a University facility or Program be named after an individual, corporation, or other entity and to provide the criteria for such naming. These guidelines are cited and applied by the University Naming Committee when making a recommendation to the President for the naming of a permanent University facility or Program.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University recognizes donors and friends of the university through the naming of certain structures, facilities, and/or Programs. Naming opportunities provide a chance to recognize key individuals or entities that have made significant contributions, in various forms, to the university. Naming opportunities also provide an opportunity to solicit donors who are enthusiastic about the university’s mission and importance to the region, as well as opportunities for donors to leave a legacy. The university reserves the right to refuse a naming request.

3. Definitions

3.1 Program

Colleges/schools, departments, centers, institutes, and other non-physical functions of the university.

3.2 Major Facility

Buildings, building additions, roads, and significant open spaces.

3.3 Minor Facility

Spaces within Major Facilities.

4. Naming Committee (“Committee”) Membership

Committee membership is comprised of the following university representation:

  • A Dean, who will also serve as chair of the committee (appointed by the President)
  • A Department Chair (appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
  • Vice President for University Advancement, or designee
  • A representative from the Office of General Counsel
  • A representative from Finance and Administration
  • A representative from the Athletics Department
  • A representative from the Office of Communications and Marketing
  • Director of Government Relations, or other representative from the President’s Office
  • Director of Economic Development and Community Relations, or other representative from the Division of Research and Economic Development
  • ASBSU President, or designee
  • Association of Classified Employees President, or designee
  • Professional Staff Association President, or designee
  • Faculty Senate President, or designee

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Naming Committee

a. All naming in recognition of an individual, corporation, or other entity must be approved by the University Naming Committee following the guidelines in Section 6.

b. The Vice President for University Advancement establishes gift-related naming opportunities and associated gift amounts in consultation with Campus Operations and the dean or vice president overseeing the area to be named, and following the guidelines in Section 6.

5.2 Facilities Planning Council (FPC)

Naming that falls within the approved naming conventions of mountain ranges, rivers, and trees and that is not in recognition of an individual, corporation, or other entity must be approved by the FPC.

6. Naming Guidelines

The following are the circumstances under which naming generally occurs.

6.1 Naming in Recognition of Individuals Who Have Made Substantial Contributions to the University

a. Naming in recognition of individuals who have made substantial contributions to the university as member(s) of its faculty, staff, administration, or governing board; or alumni of highest distinction in an academic, professional, or public service role, while maintaining close ties with the University.

b. No facility or Program may be named for an elected public official or State or governing board member while such individual is currently serving in their official capacity.

c. No facility or Program may be named for any university employee while they are employed by the university.

d. A facility should not be named for a deceased individual until three (3) years have passed between the date of death and the naming to ensure the naming is considered objectively.

e. If applicable, an individual’s rank or title will be taken into consideration when choosing an appropriate naming opportunity. For example, a former president may warrant a more significant space than a former department chair.

f. The following factors should be considered if a facility or Program is to be named for a living individual:

  • Length and quality of service to the university;
  • Impact on and significance to the university; and
  • Professional and/or academic achievement.

6.2 Naming Facilities for Individuals or Entities when the Facilities are Funded with State Funds, Fees, Charitable Gifts, or a Combination of Such

a. When naming a facility in recognition of a charitable gift, the size of the gift should be relative to the cost of the facility regardless of the actual source of construction funds.

b. A substantial financial contribution equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the replacement or construction cost of the facility is recommended. Higher amounts may be required on a case-by-case basis if the facility is to be constructed entirely with gift funds.

c. No facilities will be named in recognition of deferred gifts.

d. When the university considers naming a facility for a business entity (or an individual whose name is commonly affiliated with a business entity), and the facility is or will be funded in whole or in part with tax-exempt bonds, the naming must be approved by the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer to avoid jeopardizing the tax-exempt status of the bonds. If, in the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer’s sole and unfettered judgment this cannot be accomplished, the business or individual’s name may not be used.

6.3 Naming Spaces Within Buildings in Recognition of Service or Gifts

a. Rooms or other spaces within buildings may be named in recognition of service to the university, or in recognition of charitable gifts to Programs related to the space being named or for actual construction/remodel of the space being named.

b. For named spaces within named facilities, the assigned name of the facility must appear on the facility face and external sign with named units indicated as dictated by University Policy 9100 (Sign Policy).

c. When naming construction/remodel of a space, the naming gift is recommended to be equal to or greater than fifty percent (50%) of the actual cost.

d. When naming in recognition of a related programmatic gift, the required size of the gift should take into consideration the public visibility; the intended use; the size; any special equipment, technology, or furnishings that will be part of the space; and relativity to similar named spaces on campus.

e. Rooms or other spaces within buildings will generally not be named when the donor has already been recognized for the same gift with the establishment of a named endowment or funding order to avoid a duplicative naming recognition.

f. When the University considers naming a space within a building for a business entity (or an individual whose name is commonly affiliated with a business entity), and the building is or will be funded in whole or part with tax-exempt bonds, the naming must be approved by the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer to avoid jeopardizing the tax-exempt status of the bonds. If, in the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer’s sole and unfettered judgment, this cannot be accomplished, the business or individual’s name may not be used.

6.4 Naming Programs in Recognition of Charitable Gifts

a. In consultation with the Provost and Vice President for University Advancement, vice presidents, deans, department chairs, and institute/center directors may develop naming proposals for transformational gifts based on the needs of the particular Program.

b. Program naming proposals will take into consideration the long-term financial needs of the Program, the importance of the Program to the University’s strategic objectives, and the levels of similar naming gifts at peer institutions.

c. Program naming proposals must comply with the guidelines outlined in this policy.

6.5 Naming in the Form of Advertising or Sponsorship

a. Naming in the form of advertising or sponsorship is coordinated by the Executive Director of Corporate and Foundation Partnerships.

b. The terms of such naming are determined by a contractual agreement between the university and the advertiser/sponsor.

c. All such naming contracts must comport with University Policy 6030 (University Contracts).

d. Naming Programs, and Major or Minor Facilities in the form of advertising or sponsorships, must be reviewed by the Naming Committee prior to execution of any contract.

7. Duration of Names

a. Naming of facilities or Programs for individuals or entities in recognition of service or charitable gifts is generally intended to be permanent unless the circumstances under Section 9 are met causing the name to be removed.

b. Functional names of Major and Minor Facilities should be avoided since functions within Major Facilities may change over time; however, Major Facilities may be assigned temporary names to indicate function until a permanent name is assigned.

c. Once a facility name for a person or entity is approved, all University communications and published materials must use the approved name. If the name must be abbreviated for administrative reasons, the abbreviation will contain some form of the honoree’s name (e.g., the Micron Business & Economics Building could be stated as the Micron Business Building.).

d. Naming in the form of advertising or sponsorships is temporary in nature with the duration determined by the contractual agreement.

8. Names of Facilities that Become Obsolete or Demolished

a. Suitable recognition should be found that acknowledges the gift, in recognition of which the facility is named, that most closely approximates the intent of the original donor.

b. If the original facility is replaced by a new facility, a space within the new facility should be considered to be named for the original donor taking into consideration the amount of the original gift relative to the size and scope of the new facility.

9. Circumstances Under Which a Facility Name May Be Changed or Removed

a. A name on a facility or other space or Program that was named in recognition of a charitable gift may be removed at the discretion of the President, in consultation with the chair of the Foundation Board, if and when the donor defaults on the gift payment.

b. Without in any way affecting the general rule regarding the use of a corporate entity’s name for a building, in circumstances where a facility is named for a corporation or other entity in recognition for a charitable gift and the corporation/entity subsequently changes names, the facility’s name will not be changed unless the change is requested by the corporation/entity. If such a request is made, the name will be changed if (a) the change is acceptable to the university in its sole and unfettered discretion, and (b) as long as the corporation/entity pays the complete expense of making the change.

c. If an individual for whom a facility is named subsequently is convicted of illegal activity or otherwise engages in conduct that in the sole discretion of the university is injurious to the reputation of the university, or is shown to have rejected values that preserve human dignity or the educational ideals of the university, the name may be removed and any gift made in connection with the naming will be retained by the university.

d. In the case of divorce or family dissolution, a naming may be changed at the request of the couple or family, at the sole expense of the couple or family, provided the couple or family provides legal documentation of name change and of the concurrence of all affected parties.

10. Requests for Naming

a. All requests to name a Major Facility, Minor Facility, or Program must be directed to the Vice President for University Advancement by completing a Naming Request Form. The request must include the following:

  • Particulars of the naming request that includes rationale for the naming, referring to the relevant criteria above;
  • Supporting information about the individual or group for which the facility is to be named;
  • Letters of support for the request from unit administrators, faculty, staff, students, or alumni, as appropriate;
  • Approval of the vice president and dean (when applicable) who oversees the facility or Program intended for naming. Additionally, if the facility to be named is financed with tax-exempt debt, written approval from the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is required. If the facility to be named involves a charitable gift, approval from the Vice President for University Advancement is required; and
  • Any other information relevant to the potential implementation of the request.

b. No formal proposals or commitments involving naming should be made to donors without receiving prior approval from the Naming Committee.

c. Once all information is gathered and it is determined that the space or Program is eligible for Naming, the Vice President for University Advancement will forward the request to the Chair of the Naming Committee, or the Facilities Planning Council, whichever is appropriate. The suggested building acronym will be included in the request.

d. The Chair of the Naming Committee will ensure the Committee considers a naming request within thirty (30) days after receipt of such request.

10.1 Recommendation of University President

The Chair of the Naming Committee is responsible for compiling the recommendation from the Naming Committee or Facilities Planning Council and forwarding it to the President. The President will confer with or respond to the recommendation from the Naming Committee and Facilities Planning Council as the President deems appropriate. The President will forward a recommendation, as necessary and appropriate, to the State Board of Education.

10.2 Conveyance of University President’s Recommendation

The President will convey the decision on the proposed naming recommendation to the Vice President for University Advancement who will in turn inform the requestor.

10.3 Implementation

a. Implementation of the naming request will be directed by the Vice President for University Advancement. The timing of name changes for facilities which house academic or teaching functions will be coordinated with the Registrar’s Office to ensure coordination with published class schedules.

b. The Office of University Advancement will coordinate with the University Sign Committee, or its designee, regarding signage involving charitable gifts, alumni, and donors.

11. Recordkeeping

a. Because of the long-term historical significance of the recommendations of the Naming Committee and the decisions of the University President, the results of each naming decision must be documented by the Vice President for University Advancement and retained in the University Archives.

b. Namings involving gifts, alumni, and donors are recorded on the honorees’ permanent records in the Boise State University Foundation’s database which serves as the alumni and donor database of record for the university.

12. Forms

Naming Request Form

Revision History

February 2008; May 2010; April 2013; March 2018; November 2019; September 23, 2022

Last Review Date

September 22, 2021

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