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Alumni Association Chapter Recognition (Policy 11040)

University Policy 11040

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**This policy is under review due to an Idaho State Board of Education-approved organizational change in the University Advancement Division**

Effective Date

April 2008

Last Revision Date

January 05, 2024

Responsible Party

Vice President for University Advancement, (208) 426-3276

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all officially recognized alumni groups.

1. Policy Purpose

To establish authority of the Boise State University Alumni Association on behalf of Boise State University to officially recognize alumni-focused constituency groups (chapters, networks, or affiliate groups or clubs) as each relates to the Boise State University Alumni Association and Boise State University.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University recognizes the importance of celebrating and engaging with its alumni to build lifelong relationships that support the future of the university. As such, the university seeks to inform and partner with its alumni by applying their energies and resources to support the university’s mission and growth into the future.

3. Definitions

3.1 Alumni Constituency Group

Any associated alumni group that supports the missions of the university and/or the Alumni Association through its activities. Alumni Constituency Groups can be created in geographic regions based on special interests or social affiliations, or affiliated through an academic, professional, or corporate focus.

3.2 Alumnus/na

Any former student with a minimum of twenty-five (25) credits. A graduate is deemed to have received a Boise State University degree and/or certificate.

3.3 Charter

Privilege granted by the Boise State University Alumni Association Board of Directors to a specific Alumni Constituency Group that enables the group to operate under guidelines set forth in the chartering agreement and be recognized as an official entity under the umbrella of the Boise State University Alumni Association.

4. Umbrella Organization

The Boise State University Alumni Association serves as the umbrella organization for all officially recognized alumni chapters, alumni networks, alumni affiliates, alumni clubs, or alumni groups. The Boise State University Alumni Association offers basic services such as presence on the Boise State University Alumni Association Website, 501(c)3 nonprofit tax status, insurance coverage for approved events and programs, general guidance, consultation, and support.

5. Criteria for Recognition

The Boise State University Alumni Association maintains updated written chartering guidelines and financial procedures located on the Alumni Association website that must be followed by any alumni group desiring an official Charter. Annual requirements to maintain a Charter are also outlined in the guidelines and procedures.

Boise State University Alumni Association

Chartering Guidelines

Revision History

January 05, 2024

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