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Centers and Institutes (Policy 5000)

University Policy 5000

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Effective Date

February 2005

Last Revision Date

May 2017

Responsible Party

Vice President for Research and Economic Development, (208) 426-5732
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations, (208) 426-1200

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all University Centers and Institutes except those that are separate legal entities. The relationship between those entities and the University are governed by separate written agreements according to State Board of Education policies.

1. Policy Purpose

To establish guidelines for the creation, administration, review, and discontinuance of Boise State University (“University”) Centers and Institutes.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University recognizes the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of its instructional, research, service, and outreach activities and as such, allows the establishment of Centers and Institutes to facilitate the management and development of these important activities.

3. Definitions

3.1 Center

An organizational base for instruction, research, creative activity, service and/or outreach activities in a given academic area, or set of closely-related areas.  Serves to facilitate and coordinate the efforts of faculty, staff and students within a single academic college, and in certain situations, more than one college. Is not involved in the independent offering of credit course or degree programs.

3.2 Institute

An organizational base for instruction, research, creative activity, service and/or outreach activities. The breadth and depth of its scope transcends department, college or even University boundaries. Supports the advancement of an academically-related theme requiring an organizational structure to support and promote interdisciplinary activities in the area. Is not involved in the independent offering of credit course or degree programs.

4. Requirements

The University must have existing strengths and resources appropriate for a Center or Institute, including a critical mass of faculty and staff, and a demonstrated commitment to long-term fiscal sustainability. Additionally, Centers and Institutes:

a. Must be consistent with the role and mission statement and strategic plan of the University;

b. Should each facilitate increased productivity and attainment of excellence in a well-defined area of instruction, research, service, and/or outreach;

c. Must enhance an academic program in the associated college(s); and

d. Must provide the associated program(s), department(s), or college(s) with greater visibility and increased potential for extramural funding.

5. Administration

a. Each Center and Institute must have a Director who is responsible for the administration of its day-to-day activities. Arrangements may vary from a part-time Director, who may receive a workload adjustment from other University responsibilities, to a full-time Director whose primary responsibility is the administration of the Center or Institute.

b. The Directors of Centers must report directly to, and be administered by either a vice president or the dean of the unit in which the Center resides, or the designee of either of the above. For those Centers with activities spanning more than one college, a vice president or lead dean must be designated by the appropriate vice president(s).

c. An Institute’s reporting structure is determined collectively by the Vice President for Research and Economic Development and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on a case-by-case basis.

6. Council of University Centers and Institutes

a. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, in consultation with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, will: 1.) establish a Council of University Centers and Institutes (the “Council”); and 2.) designate the Council’s Chairperson. The Council will be comprised of faculty and staff with experience in administering Centers and Institutes on campus, and a designee from each of the Offices of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations.

b. The Council shall:

  • Ensure University activities related to Centers, Institutes, and Core Facilities follow provisions outlined in this policy and revise the policy as appropriate;
  • Conduct initial reviews of proposed Centers and Institutes, and make recommendations to the appropriate dean(s) and/or vice president(s); and
  • Conduct a review of each existing Center and Institute at least once every three (3) years to assess the quality, viability, sustainability, and effectiveness of its operations, and make recommendations to the appropriate dean(s) and/or vice president(s) on the continuance of its activities.

7. Establishing, Discontinuing, and Renaming Centers and Institutes

7.1 Establishing and Discontinuing Centers and Institutes

a. After detailed review and consultation with appropriate faculty and administrators, the Director of the Center or Institute shall prepare an Idaho State Board of Education Notice of Intent (“NOI”) to establish or eliminate a Center or Institute. For the creation of new Centers and Institutes, initial approval by the appropriate vice president(s), dean(s), and department chair(s) must be obtained, and subsequently a detailed description of how the Center or Institute meets the requirements set forth in 4 above shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the Council for consideration. For discontinuance of Centers and Institutes, the NOI and a brief description of the rationale must be provided to the Chairperson of the Council for consideration.

b. Upon completion of its review, the Council shall make a formal recommendation regarding the establishment or discontinuance of the Center or Institute to the vice president(s) and/or dean(s) to whom the director (would) report(s).

c.  If, in the opinion of the vice president(s) and/or dean(s) the Center or Institute fulfills the stipulations set forth in this policy, the dean(s) or the vice president(s) will provide, to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development for research Centers or Institutes and to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for all other Centers or Institutes, a formal written recommendation to establish or eliminate the Center or Institute.

d.  Centers and Institutes must be approved by the Idaho State Board of Education. Following approval by the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (for research Centers and Institutes) or the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (for all other Centers and Institutes), the director must work with the Provost’s Office to submit an NOI to the Idaho State Board of Education. The NOI should include a detailed description of the administrative structure and fiscal sustainability plan, or in the case of discontinuance, simply the NOI and rationale to the Office of the Provost. The NOI will then be routed for approvals by the Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the University President. If approved by these individuals, the NOI would then be submitted to the Idaho State Board of Education to secure its authorization for creation or discontinuance of the Center or Institute.

7.2 Renaming Centers and Institutes

a.  All name or title changes to Centers and Institutes must be requested via prior written notification to the Office of the Provost. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall submit to the Idaho State Board of Education per its requirements.

b. Prior to the notification of a proposed name change, the Center or Institute Director must: 1.) assess whether any substantive changes have occurred to the Center or Institute prior to the name change; and 2.) provide in writing to the Council the results of the assessment and the proposed pending name change for review.  Upon receipt of approval by the Council, the Director may then prepare and submit the written notification.

8. Periodic Review of Centers and Institutes

a. All Centers and Institutes must submit annual reports to the appropriate vice president(s) and/or dean(s). These reports shall provide updates on the Centers’ and Institutes’ technical and financial operations. It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate vice president(s) and/or dean(s) to review and act upon the information contained in the reports and ensure that reports are submitted in a timely fashion.

b. All Centers and Institutes shall undergo a status review every three (3) years. The Council shall inform the Centers and Institutes of impending reviews and shall request whatever information is needed to assess: 1.) the quality, viability, sustainability and effectiveness of the Center or Institute; 2.) whether substantive changes have occurred warranting Idaho State Board of Education notification; and 3.) the Center’s or Institute’s adherence to the requirements outlined in Section 4, above. The Council’s recommendation shall be sent to the appropriate vice president(s) and/or dean(s). It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate vice president(s) and/or dean(s) to ensure that appropriate action is taken by the Center or Institute. The Council may, at its discretion, request that reviews of Centers and Institutes take place more often than required.

c. The University President, a vice president or an academic dean can formally request, via a communication to the Council, that a Center or Institute be reviewed by the Council at any time.

Revision History

March 2013; May 2017

Last Review Date

October 2020