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Animal Care and Use (Policy 5070)

University Policy 5070

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Effective Date

November 1996

Last Revision Date

June 29, 2021

Responsible Party

Division of Research and Economic Development, (208) 426-5732
Office of Research Compliance, (208) 426-5401

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to sponsored and unsponsored activities involving animal care and use when using University facilities or equipment or when conducted by, or on the behalf of, University employees, students, affiliates, volunteers, or visitors.

Additional Authority

  • Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
  • Animal Welfare Act
  • Health Research Extension Act of 1985
  • Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (The Guide) 8th edition and subsequent revisions

1. Policy Purpose

To ensure the humane care and use of animals used in sponsored and unsponsored research and academic activities by establishing the authority and responsibilities of the University, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and Principal Investigators.

2. Policy Statement

The use of vertebrate animals in research and academic activities is critical to Boise State University’s research enterprise.  Therefore, the University is committed to the ethical use and humane care of animals and following the guidance, rules, and regulations set forth by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other applicable agencies regarding their use and care.

3. Responsibilities and Procedures

3.1 Vice President for Research and Economic Development

The President of Boise State University has appointed the Vice President for Research and Economic Development as the Institutional Official (IO) to meet its obligations for laws and regulations involving research and academic activities for vertebrate animal care and use. The university has established an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to assess and review the university’s animal program, facilities, and procedures. The IO has delegated certain responsibilities to the IACUC to ensure compliance with these requirements and to the Office of Research Compliance for support and oversight of the IACUC.  The IO appoints the IACUC members annually to ensure appropriate composition and representation, according to federal guidelines and committee effectiveness.

3.2 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The IACUC has the following authority and responsibilities:

a. Review semiannually the institution’s program for humane care and use of animals and inspection semiannually all of the institution’s animal facilities, including satellite facilities.

b. Provide information and services to investigators regarding requirements and procedures necessary to achieve a level of animal care and use that meets or exceeds contemporary professional standards and federal and state regulations.

c. Interpret applicable laws, regulations, policies and guidelines concerning the utilization of animals in research and teaching activities.

d. Review concerns or complaints reported by faculty, staff, students, or members of the general public about the care and use of animals at the institution.

e. Make written recommendations to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development regarding any aspect of the institution’s animal care and use program, facilities, or personnel training.

f. Review, approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withholding approval of proposed significant changes regarding the use of animals in ongoing activities as required by applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Notifying investigators in writing of decisions to approve or withhold approval of the protocol applications related to the care and use of animals, or of modifications required to secure IACUC approval. Should the IACUC disapprove or terminate a research project, the investigator may request to present more information either in person or in writing to the IACUC, explaining why they believe the project should be approved or continued. However, a final IACUC decision to require modifications in, disapprove, suspend or terminate a project is incontrovertible. No other committee or official, either University or federal, can override the IACUC’s decision. Further, no committee or person can approve an investigator to conduct any research that the IACUC has not approved.

g. Suspend or terminate, as may be required, any activity involving animals that is not in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

h. Report suspended or terminated activities or continuing major animal welfare deficiencies to appropriate authorities as required by the Federal Animal Welfare Act and the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

i. Provide or sponsor seminars and training programs on topics of appropriate animal utilization and care as required by law.

j. Provide or ensure the provision of veterinary care services to University animals.

k. Coordinate and ensure with the attending veterinarian appropriate monitoring programs are implemented to detect and treat ill animals.

l. Advise the Vice President for Research and Economic Development and the Office of Research Compliance Director on program, guidelines, procedures, training, and education for human subjects research.

3.3 Office of Research Compliance

The Office of Research Compliance provides administrative support and oversight of the IACUC and its program, which includes maintaining official records and developing program guidance, forms, and procedures.

3.4 Principal Investigator

The Principal Investigator serves as the lead person with responsibility and authority over activities involving vertebrate animals and has the responsibility to:

a. Adhere to federal and state regulations and University policy and programs for animal care and use;

b. Sufficiently complete and submit applicable forms to the IACUC for activities requiring review;

c. Abstain from performing activities requiring IACUC approval where approval is not granted;

d. Ensure activities under their direction adhere to the scope and procedures approved by the IACUC; and

e. Communicate risks associated with the activity to individuals with potential exposure to any associated hazards.

4. Related Information

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidance

University Policy 5020 (Principal Investigator Eligibility)

Revision History

August 2007; June 29, 2021