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Policies in Development or Revision

Policies in Development or Revision Process

Policies in Revision

  • Use of University Space (1100)
  • Conflict of Interest and Commitment (1110)
  • Equal Access to Students with Disabilities (2080)
  • Co-Curricular Programs and Activities (2120)
  • Maintaining Effective Learning Environments (3240)
  • Employment of Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty (4210)
  • Annual Faculty Performance Evaluation (4290)
  • Emeritus Faculty (4280)
  • Absence from Campus – Faculty (4420)
  • Faculty Grievance (4480)
  • Search for and Selection of Department Chairs, Division Managers, or Unit Heads (4500)
  • Department Chair Evaluation (4530)
  • P-Card (6140)
  • Gifts and Awards (6230)
  • Position Definitions (7000)
  • Supplemental Pay (7195)
  • Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy/Employee Drug and Alcohol Screening (7020/7510)
  • Classified and Professional Employee Performance Evaluations (7400)
  • Emeritus Classified and Professional Employees (7480)
  • Accommodating Disabilities in the Work Environment (7570)
  • Telecommuting (7600)
  • Desktop, Laptop, and Tablet PC Computing Standards (8030)
  • Information Technology Accessibility (8140)
  • Building Coordinator (9150)
  • University Sponsorship (9180)
  • Laboratory Safety Committees (9240)
  • Bronco Card Operations (9250)
  • University Classroom Committee (9260)
  • Capital Projects and Space Management (9280)

Policies Scheduled for 2024 Four-Year Review

See review schedule

New Policies Under Development

  • New – Assessment of Faculty Teaching
  • New – Multi-Year Contracts for Faculty
  • New – Student Governance Groups
  • New – Trademark Use
  • New – Donor-Funded Construction Projects
  • New – Foreign Travel
  • New – Degree Revocation
  • New – Guidelines for the Evaluation of Faculty Teaching
  • New – Social Media
  • New – Gift Solicitation for Capital Projects
  • New – Required Credits for Graduation

Policies in Approval Process

  • New – Participant Support Costs
  • New – Research Management Data
  • New – Teaching Faculty
  • Public Records Requests (1040)
  • Recording Learning Activities (1140)
  • Student Code of Conduct (2020)
  • Academic Grievance (3140)
  • Independent Study and Directed Research (3150)
  • Changes in Final Grades (3180)
  • Registration and Transcript Holds (Policy 3200)
  • Faculty Tenure and Promotion Guidelines (4340)
  • Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty (4380)
  • Faculty Sabbatical Leave (4400)
  • Clinical Faculty (4490)
  • Travel (6180)
  • Meals and Refreshments (6240)
  • Graduate Assistantships (7170)
  • Faculty Sick Leave (7260)
  • Information Technology and Resource Use (8000)
  • Information Privacy and Data Security (8060)
  • Environmental Health and Safety (9140)
  • Endowed Positions (11030)