University Policy 8150
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**This policy is currently under review**
Effective Date
August 2018
Last Revision Date
November 09, 2023
Responsible Party
Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer, (208) 426-4357
Information Technology Governance Council (ITGC)
Information Technology Planning Council (ITPC)
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to the governance of Information Technology available for use by all members of the University community.
1. Policy Purpose
To establish a data governance structure for University Information Technology.
2. Policy Statement
Governance is an important factor in generating value from IT, and it is a critical success factor for the University. As such, the following framework has been developed to ensure comprehensive and integrated IT governance, allocation and planning of IT resources. The IT governance structure helps establish the strategic plan for IT as well as prioritize initiatives and projects for the University.
3. Definitions
3.1 Information Technology
Anything related to computing technology, including but not limited to, networking, hardware, software, and website development, maintenance, and usage available for use by students, faculty, staff, or members of the general public.
4. Information Technology Governance Council (ITGC) Responsibilities
a. ITGC is responsible for IT policy and governance. ITGC reviews the five (5)-year roadmap of IT development projects presented by ITPC and either affirms the plan or returns the plan back to ITPC for revisions. The process is iterative and ongoing. ITGC is responsible for identifying resources necessary to implement the IT development roadmap. When ITGC meets to discuss IT projects, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and ITPC Chair set the agenda with the President’s Office and chair the meeting, but do not vote on agenda items. Voting members of the ITGC are the:
- Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Vice President for Research and Economic Development
- Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Vice President for University Advancement
b. The Executive Team has a standing bi-weekly meeting schedule. An ITGC Meeting can be scheduled anytime during the standing weekly meeting schedule. An ITGC Meeting at a minimum will be scheduled at least once in a two (2)-month period.
4.1 ITGC is Responsible for Conducting an Annual Review of the Following:
- Strategic Plan (September/November)
- IT Services (May/July)
- OIT Budget and Financials (January/March)
- State of IT Policies (November/January)
- State of Cyber Security/Compliance (March/May)
- External IT Regulatory and Compliance Standards (March/May)
- IT Governance Structure (July/September)
5. IT Planning Committee (ITPC)
a. ITPC helps develop and maintain a five (5)-year roadmap for IT development projects. The OIT Project Management Office (PMO) informs ITPC of all project requests and currently active projects. ITPC helps prioritize projects, and it recommends projects to ITGC which meet the threshold of large projects as defined below. ITPC will update the ITGC on a quarterly basis on the five-year roadmap at a minimum or more frequently if needed.
b. ITPC membership is comprised of the following, or a delegate approved by the ITPC chairs:
- Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
- Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
- Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services
- Senior Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations
- Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning
- Chief Human Resources Officer
- Associate Vice President for Research
- Associate Vice President for Advancement
- Associate Vice President for Campus Operations
- Dean of Extended Studies
- Dean of Academic College (rotating)
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO)
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- Executive Director, Project Management Office
c. ITPC is chaired by an ITPC member designated by the Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations. The Council is co-chaired by the supervisor of the OIT PMO Director.
6. Project Factors and Project Approval
a. If any of the project factors that determine the size of a project are exceeded, the project is reviewed by the next level of Project Authority.
b. The OIT Project Management Office will provide ITPC a report each quarter showing projects and how they relate to the above matrix.
Revision History
December 2018; November 09, 2023