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Supplemental Pay (Policy 7195)

University Policy 7195

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Effective Date

June 2015

Last Revision Date

January 2016

Responsible Party

Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations, (208) 426-1200
Vice President for Research and Economic Development, (208) 426-5732
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1212
Human Resources and Workforce Strategy, (208) 426-1616

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to Non-Classified/Professional staff and faculty.

Additional Authority

  • Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.G.
  • CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards

1. Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide uniform guidance for Supplemental Pay for non-classified staff and faculty.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University faculty and non-classified employees may not receive compensation from funds administered through the University payroll system in excess of 100% of their Institutional Base Salary for Regular Duties during the Base Salary Period.

Compensation during the Base Salary Period for the performance of additional temporary duties or assignments may be paid in excess of the Institutional Base Salary for all or part of that period if approval for compensation is obtained in accordance with this policy. The employee’s supervisor must ensure that any employee approved for Supplemental Pay continues to meet expectations in performance of their regular job duties. In any event, the total amount of approved supplemental pay shall not exceed 20% effort above and beyond Regular Duties.

3. Definitions

3.1 Academic Year Period

For the purposes of this policy, the academic year shall be considered as the period beginning the day the Provost sets as the reporting date for faculty for the fall semester, and ending the day of University commencement ceremonies for the spring semester. The academic year is the most common Base Salary Period for members of the faculty and for the purpose of calculating salary rates, it shall be considered to be a 9-month period.

3.2 Additional Assignments

Responsibilities and assignments that are temporary and outside Regular Duties such as:

  • Additional Assignments and activities such as those sponsored by the Division of Extended Studies, like the Osher Institute or concurrent enrollment duties; or
  • Specially approved work on a University-administered sponsored project; or
  • Special projects assigned as additional duties; or
  • Teaching additional classes that are not part of Regular Duties on an exception basis.

Additional responsibilities and assignments of a long term or permanent nature may be considered justification for adjustment of the employee’s institutional Base Salary rather than justification for Supplemental Pay compensation.

3.3 Base Salary Period

Time period during which an employee is under obligation to the University for performing Regular Duties for which an employee is compensated with the employee’s base salary.

3.4 Independent Consulting and Outside Employment

Services provided by University employees outside their official University duties/capacities (e.g., not Regular Duties or Additional Assignments). For this type of work, the University is not a party to any agreement, nor does it administer any related sponsored funding. These activities are addressed by a separate policy, University Policy 1110 (Conflict of Interest and Commitment). These payments are not considered Supplemental Pay under this policy.

3.5 Institutional Base Salary

Employee’s contracted university salary assigned for performing Regular Duties for the applicable Base Salary Period (see definition above). For the purposes of this policy, Institutional Base Salary used to calculate the maximum allowable Supplemental Pay includes administrative stipends such as those for department chair duties.

3.6 Intra-University Consulting

Includes consulting and other professional services provided to, or for, organizational units within the administrative control of Boise State University. Intra-University Consulting, except in unusual situations, is considered to be a contractual obligation of the employee for which Supplemental Pay Compensation is not appropriate, with the following exception:

Intra-University Consulting may meet the definition of “Additional Assignment” and thus eligible to be compensated as Supplemental Pay ONLY when the following criteria are met:

  • The consultation is across departmental lines; and
  • The work performed is in addition to the employee’s Regular Duties; and
  • If paid from a sponsored project, it is specifically provided for in the agreement or approved in writing by the sponsoring agency in advance of the payment.

3.7 Off-Contract Compensation

Compensation for work performed during an off-contract period (e.g., summer salary) by faculty members or professional staff who are not under contract for a 12–month Base Salary Period. Off-Contract Compensation is not considered Supplemental Pay.

3.8 Regular Duties

Responsibilities and assignments expected of an employee in a workload description or job description.

3.9 Supplemental Pay Compensation

Compensation above IBS paid to a University employee when all of the following criteria have been met:

  • Services are rendered during the Base Salary Period;
  • Rate does not exceed the employee’s IBS;
  • The compensation is for Additional Assignments; and
  • Compensation is made from funds administered through the University payroll system.

4. Responsibilities and Procedures

4.1 Supplemental Pay from Federal Sponsored Projects

Charges for work performed by faculty and staff on Federal sponsored projects during all or any portion of the Base Salary Period are allowable at their base salary rate. In no event will charges to Federal projects by faculty and staff, irrespective of the basis of computation, exceed the proportionate share of their base salary for that period. Since Intra-University Consulting is assumed to be undertaken as a University obligation requiring no compensation in addition to full-time base salary, the principle also applies to faculty and staff members who function as consultants or otherwise contribute to a sponsored project conducted by another faculty member of the institution, unless:

  • The consultation is across departmental lines; and
  • The work performed is clearly in addition to the employee’s Regular Duties; and
  • It is specifically provided for in the agreement or approved in writing by the sponsoring agency.

4.2 Supplemental Pay from Non-Federal Sponsored Projects

Charges for work performed by faculty and staff on non-Federal sponsored projects during all or any portion of the Institutional Base Salary Period are allowable at their Institutional Base Salary rate, if approval for compensation is obtained in accordance with this policy. These sponsored projects are not exempt from the Supplemental Pay policy and any Supplemental Pay must meet the criteria set forth in this policy.

4.3 Supplemental Pay for Teaching Overload

Teaching is normally performed by faculty as part of their Regular Duties. In no case will Supplemental Pay for teaching overload occur on an ongoing basis. However, Supplemental Pay for teaching overload may be offered in limited and restricted situations of special need, with each case approved on an individual basis, in accordance with Section 4.5 of this policy.

4.4 Supplemental Pay from Special Projects

Compensation during the Base Salary Period for the performance of special projects assigned as Additional Assignments by University administrators may be paid in excess of the Institutional Base Salary for all or part of that period if approval for compensation is obtained in accordance with Section 4.5 of this policy.

4.5 Procedures

Prior to assuming Additional Assignments, all Supplemental Pay requests must be documented and ultimately approved by the appropriate Vice President.

Revision History

January 2016

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