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Sick Leave – Faculty (Policy 7260)

University Policy 7260

Effective Date

July 1978

Last Revision Date

February 26, 2025

Responsible Party

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Human Resources and Workforce Strategy, (208) 426-1616

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all benefit-eligible faculty and adjunct faculty.

Additional Authority

  • Idaho Code  § 59-1603
  • Idaho Code  § 59-1605
  • Idaho Code  § 67-5333
  • University Policy 4420 (Absence from Campus – Faculty)
  • University Policy 4700 (Faculty Workload Release)
  • University Policy 7220 (Donated Leave)
  • University Policy 7230 (Family and Medical Leave)
  • University Policy 7610 (Paid Parental Leave)
  • University Policy 7620 (Time Away from Work)

1. Policy Purpose

To outline the accrual rates, acceptable usage of, and procedures to request and record the use of sick leave.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University recognizes the importance of allowing employees paid time off for qualifying medical reasons in accordance with applicable laws and Idaho State Board of Education and University policies.

3. Benefit-Eligible Faculty

3.1 Eligibility and Leave Accrual

a. Faculty serving in full-time appointments of nine (9) months or more accrue sick leave at the rate of 3.692 hours biweekly (.04615 hours for each hour paid) while on contract. Part-time, benefit-eligible faculty (less than 40 hours per week) accrue sick leave at the rate of .04615 hours for each hour paid. 

b. Sick leave accrues without limitation.

3.2. Use of Sick Leave

a. Sick leave may only be used in cases of the faculty member’s actual illness or disability, including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, or other medical or health reasons necessitating the faculty member’s absence from work; or to attend to a family member’s medical appointments, serious illness, disability, or death and funeral in the family (Bereavement leave is also available using any accrued leave and allows a faculty member to take up to five (5) workdays off for grief and/or other arrangements, such as a funeral after the death of a family member and up to three (3) workdays off for the death of a faculty member’s close family friend or other family member not defined under this section – see University Policy 7620 – Time Away from Work for more information on bereavement leave). 

b. For purposes of this policy, family member means a spouse, child, foster child, parent, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild, including the same relation by marriage or legal guardianship, or other individual living in the employee’s household. Other medical or health reasons include Employee Assistance Program (EAP) appointments, visits to doctors, dentists, and other medical providers.

c. Twelve (12)-month faculty who are eligible to earn annual leave may use their accrued vacation leave in lieu of sick leave.

d. A faculty member who uses sick leave for reasons that qualify for job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) must follow the requirements outlined in University Policy 7230 (Family and Medical Leave).

e. A faculty member who is eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits may use accrued sick leave to supplement their Workers’ Compensation benefits.

f. A faculty member who has exhausted, or who may exhaust their sick leave, may be eligible to receive donated leave to use as sick leave for certain qualifying reasons such as a serious illness or injury. Faculty members should refer to University Policy 7220 (Donated Leave) for eligibility requirements. 

3.3 Limitations on Use of Sick Leave

a. Sick leave may not be taken within the same pay period in which it is earned.

b. Sick leave cannot be used for time off due to adoption or foster care placement unless the child has a medical condition requiring care. A faculty member may be eligible for paid leave for adoption or foster care placement under University Policy 7610 (Paid Parental Leave) and/or University Policy 4700 (Faculty Workload Release).

c. Sick leave cannot be used in lieu of vacation leave.

d. Faculty who exhaust their sick leave and continue to be absent from work due to any of the reasons set forth in 3.2.a. may be eligible for leave without pay.

e. Sick leave cannot be taken to attend to legal responsibilities related to probate or court proceedings following a death in the family. In such cases, the employee must use other accrued leave balances.

3.4 Transfer to Another State Agency

Accrued sick leave will transfer with a faculty member who transfers to another eligible state of Idaho agency provided there is no break in service (i.e., a separation of more than one business day. Saturday and Sunday are not considered to be a break in service).

3.5 Effect on Sick Leave Upon Separation

a. When a faculty member separates from University service (i.e., service with the state of Idaho), all accrued and unused sick leave will be forfeited unless the faculty member is separating due to retirement and is eligible to use a portion of accumulated sick leave to defray the costs of group health, life, and accident insurance – see Idaho Code 67-5333(2)(a). Faculty members should consult with Human Resources and Workforce Strategy to discuss this option.

b. A faculty member who returns to service with the state of Idaho within three (3) years of separation, and who is rehired into a benefit-eligible position, will have any unused sick leave forfeited at the time of separation reinstated for the faculty member to use.

3.6 Unauthorized Use of Sick Leave

Patterns of absences or excessive absences can negatively impact a faculty member’s performance and commitment to fulfill their teaching, service, and other academic responsibilities. Abuse of sick leave and/or taking sick leave under false pretenses is a violation of this and other University policies. 

4. Adjunct Faculty

a. Adjunct faculty are not benefit-eligible and do not earn sick leave. However, in the event of unforeseen personal illness or injury, adjunct faculty who have been employed by the University for at least one (1) full academic semester are eligible for limited continuation of regular salary.

b. Adjunct faculty may continue to receive regular salary for absences related to injury or illness (their own or that of a family member; “family member” is defined in Section 3.2.a) not to exceed six (6) contact hours per course taught per academic term (or the equivalent of 13% of the total contact hours per course per term). However, continuation of regular salary after three (3) contact hours per course, per semester requires medical documentation supporting the injury or illness from a health care provider (without diagnostic details). This documentation must be provided to Human Resources and Workforce Strategy (see University Policy 7530 – Employee Files). Human Resources and Workforce Strategy will reach out to the department chair who is responsible for approving such leave.

c. Multiple absences may be approved up to the combined maximum of six (6) contact hours per course taught per academic term (or the equivalent of 13% of the total contact hours per course per term).

5. Reporting Responsibilities

a. Faculty are responsible for promptly notifying their department chair or supervisor of their absence needs.

b. Faculty who earn sick leave must report such leave using the University’s absence reporting system. Sick leave absences should only be reported for absences on contract working days. 

University Policy 7530 (Employee Files)

Revision History

July 1995; July 2003; April 2016; July 31, 2024; February 26, 2025

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