University Policy 7000
Effective Date
July 1998
Last Revision Date
January 08, 2025
Responsible Party
Human Resources and Workforce Strategy, (208) 426-1616
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all University positions.
This policy does not cover volunteers, affiliates, independent contractors, or emeritus appointments.
For information on volunteers and affiliates, see University Policy 7035 (Affiliates, Affiliate Faculty, and Volunteers). For the requirements and restrictions for independent contractors, see University Policy 6150 (Independent Contractors).
Emeritus Faculty appointments and privileges are covered under University Policy 4280 (Emeritus Faculty). Emeritus Classified and Professional staff appointments and privileges are covered under University Policy 7480 (Emeritus Classified and Professional Employees).
Additional Authority
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Chapter 53, Title 67, Idaho Code (Personnel System)
- IDAPA 15.04.01 (Rules of the Division of Human Resources and Idaho Personnel Commission)
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.D. (Categories of Employees – General Definitions)
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.E. (Policies Regarding Classified Employees)
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.F. (Policies Regarding Nonclassified Employees)
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.G. (Policies Regarding Faculty – Institutional Faculty Only)
- Boise State Faculty Constitution
- University Policy 4000 (Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct)
- University Policy 4250 (Lecturer Faculty)
- University Policy 4420 (Adjunct Faculty)
- University Policy 4340 (Faculty Tenure and Promotion Guidelines)
- University Policy 4490 (Clinical Faculty)
- University Policy 4730 (Teaching Faculty)
- University Policy 5010 (Research Faculty Policies and Procedures)
- University Policy 7035 (Affiliates, Affiliate Faculty, and Volunteers)
- University Policy 7170 (Graduate Assistantships)
- University Policy 7270 (Rank For Administrative Personnel And Associated Responsibilities)
- University Policy 7470 (Student Employment)
- University Policy 7630 (Recruitment and Hiring)
- University Policy 7650 (Compensation)
1. Policy Purpose
To outline and define the types of employee positions.
2. Policy Statement
Boise State University recognizes the need to define the types of employee positions to help understand the nature of the employment relationship and any limitations that may come with each position type. Each position type has unique rules, related policies, and limitations that must be considered when creating, hiring, managing, and compensating individuals.
3. Definitions
3.1 Non-Overtime-Eligible
A position not covered by the federal minimum wage and overtime compensation requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA Exempt). Faculty positions and most Professional Staff positions are Non-Overtime Eligible.
3.2 Overtime-Eligible
A position covered by the federal minimum wage and overtime compensation requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA Non-Exempt). Most Classified positions and some Professional Staff positions are Overtime-Eligible.
4. Classified Positions
a. Classified positions are those positions subject to the merit examination, selection, retention, promotion, and dismissal requirements of the Idaho Division of Human Resources as provided under Chapter 53, Title 67, Idaho Code. Classified positions are generally Overtime-Eligible.
b. Limited service classified positions are those positions expected to be of limited duration due to the funding nature of the position or project and must be identified and designated in advance of recruitment and hiring. Limited Service positions may be subject to expedited layoff in accordance with the rules of the Idaho Division of Human Resources and related limited service agreements. Limited service agreements are required, and renewals and updates to limited service agreements are required every two (2) years.
5. Non-Classified Positions
5.1 Coaches
Coaching positions are generally Non-Overtime Eligible. Coaching positions meet the requirements of “teaching staff” under Idaho Code 67-5303(j) and are considered non-classified. Non-classified means the position is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 53, Title 67, Idaho Code – Personnel System.
5.2 Faculty Positions
a. Faculty positions are Non-Overtime Eligible and are considered non-classified under the laws of the State of Idaho. Non-classified means the position is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 53, Title 67, Idaho Code – Personnel System. These positions meet Idaho Code requirements as “teaching staff” in accordance with Idaho Code 67-5303(j).
b. Faculty employees comprise a large and unique subset of Boise State University’s non-classified employees. As such, faculty employees are addressed specifically throughout Boise State policies and procedures and related Idaho State Board of Education governing policies and procedures. This policy makes no attempt to limit the university from creating alternative groups of faculty as needed to carry out the academic mission of the university. This policy also has no influence over policies and procedures that govern promotion in academic rank and tenure.
c. The faculty position titles used by the university are: 1.) Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Faculty, 2.) Teaching Faculty, 3.) Clinical Faculty, 4.) Research Faculty, 5.) Administrative Faculty, and 6.) associated faculty members that include Adjunct Faculty, Affiliate Faculty, and Visiting Faculty.
d. There are four (4) primary academic faculty ranks as defined by Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.G.: 1.) professor, 2.) associate professor, 3.) assistant professor, and 4.) instructor, plus the additional rank of distinguished professor as established by the University. Ranked faculty include the Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Faculty, Teaching Faculty (except Lecturers), Clinical Faculty, and Research Faculty. Generally, academic rank implies a hierarchy of combined education, experience, achievement, and responsibility.
5.2.1 Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Faculty Positions
a. A faculty position assigned to an academic department or the university library in which the incumbent holds academic rank and is eligible for tenure, is tenured, or has been denied tenure but is employed under a non-tenured fixed-term appointment.
b. Titles for Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Faculty include the academic ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, and the additional titles of Departmental Chairpersons and professional librarians (other than the Dean of the University Libraries).
c. The primary responsibilities of a Tenured or Tenure-Eligible faculty member in an academic department are teaching, scholarship, and service.
d. The primary responsibilities of a Tenured or Tenure-Eligible Faculty member in the university library are librarianship, scholarship, and service.
e. The criteria for promotion in rank are outlined in University Policy 4340 (Faculty Tenure and Promotion Guidelines).
5.2.2 Teaching Faculty Positions
5.2.2A Lecturer Faculty Positions
a. A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is teaching non-clinical courses in degree and/or certificate programs.
b. Titles for Lecturer Faculty include Lecturer 1, Lecturer 2, Lecturer 3, and the honorary title of Senior Lecturer 3.
c. While Lecturer Faculty may participate in scholarly activities as time and expertise warrant, they are not required to participate in research or scholarship activities as part of their regular assignment.
d. Lecturer faculty may serve on select department, college, and University committees subject to policies or practices of the department, the college, and the University and with the approval of the appropriate department chair, dean, or Provost. Members of the Lecturer Faculty do not hold rank, are eligible for promotion, but are not eligible for tenure.
e. See University Policy 4250 (Lecturer Faculty) for initial appointment and promotion criteria.
5.2.2B Teaching Faculty
a. A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is teaching non-clinical courses in degree and/or certificate programs and in which the incumbent has earned a doctorate, an equivalent terminal degree appropriate to their field, or an advanced degree and substantial teaching experience in the discipline.
b. Titles for Teaching Faculty include Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, and Teaching Professor.
c. While Teaching Faculty may participate in scholarly activities as time and expertise warrant, they are not required to participate in research or scholarship activities as part of their regular workload unless otherwise specified by department or college-level policy. They are, however, expected to provide service at the department/unit, college, and university level as needed.
d. Teaching Faculty may serve on select department, college, and University committees subject to the policies or practices of the department, the college, and the University and with the approval of the appropriate department chair, dean, or Provost.
e. Members of the Teaching Faculty hold rank, are eligible for promotion, but are not eligible for tenure.
f. See University Policy 4730 (Teaching Faculty) for initial appointment and promotion criteria.
5.2.3 Clinical Faculty Positions
a. A faculty position within an academic department that has primary duties in the area of clinical instruction.
b. Clinical Faculty members are licensed or certified professionals in the health or allied health disciplines or are in the field of education.
c. Titles for Clinical Faculty include clinical instructor, clinical assistant professor, clinical associate professor, and clinical professor.
d. The major responsibilities of the Clinical Faculty involve teaching students in both academic and clinical settings, supervising clinical experiences, and engaging in professionally related community service.
e. While Clinical Faculty members may participate in scholarly activities as time and expertise warrant, they are not required to participate in research or scholarship activities as part of their regular assignment unless otherwise specified by department or college-level policy.
f. Clinical Faculty may serve on select department, college, and University committees subject to the policies or practices of the department, the college, and the University and with the approval of the appropriate department chair, dean, or Provost.
g. Members of the clinical faculty hold rank, are eligible for promotion, but are not eligible for tenure.
h. See University Policy 4490 (Clinical Faculty) for initial appointment and promotion criteria.
5.2.4 Research Faculty
a. A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is research but may also include instructional responsibilities.
b. Titles for Research Faculty include assistant research professor, associate research professor, and research professor.
c. A member of the Research Faculty contributes to the research mission of the university through the development of vigorous research programs involving projects that are of specified duration and operate under the terms of grants and contracts awarded to the university.
d. Research Faculty may serve on select department, college, and University committees subject to the policies or practices of the department, the college, and the university, and with the approval of the appropriate department chair, dean, or Provost.
e. Members of the Research Faculty hold rank, are eligible for promotion, but are not eligible for tenure.
f. See University Policy 5010 (Research Faculty Policies and Procedures) for initial appointment and promotional criteria.
5.2.5 Administrative Faculty
a. A faculty position in which the incumbent is qualified to hold academic rank and whose responsibilities are primarily administrative.
b. The Administrative Faculty of the University includes the President of the University; the Provost of the University; administrative Vice Presidents and Assistant/Associate Vice Provosts; Executive Heads or Deans and Assistant/Associate Deans of Colleges, Schools, Units, Divisions, Supportive Services, and the Library; and all such permanent administrative officials so designated by the President of the University and the Idaho State Board of Education (see also University Policy 7270 – Rank for Administrative Personnel).
c. Titles for Administrative Faculty are varied and are assigned by the supervising authority subject to the approval of the president or designee.
d. A member of the administrative faculty may also be a member of the Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Faculty.
5.2.6 Associated Faculty Positions
5.2.6A Adjunct Faculty
See Section 5.5.1 – Temporary Positions, Adjunct Faculty
5.2.6B Affiliate Faculty
See University Policy 7035 (Affiliates, Affiliate Faculty, and Volunteers)
5.2.6C Visiting Faculty
See section 5.4.4 – Temporary Positions, Visiting Faculty
5.3 Professional Positions
a. Professional positions are generally Non-Overtime Eligible and are considered non-classified under the laws of the State of Idaho. Non-classified means the position is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 53, Title 67, Idaho Code – Personnel System.
b. The classification of a position as “non-classified” pursuant to Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) Governing Policies and Procedures, which is not otherwise considered “teaching staff” under state rules, constitutes institutional designation of such position or employee as an “officer,” or “Professional Staff” under section 67-5303(j), Idaho Code.
c. Professional positions include the President, vice presidents, directors, and other personnel in such positions designated by the President or designee and which are characterized by their job duties, scope and span of control, educational requirements, and specific knowledge, skills, and abilities.
d. Limited-duration professional positions are those positions expected to exist for a specific period of time due to the funding nature of the position or project and must be identified and designated in advance of recruitment and hiring. Limited-duration positions can be designated as eligible for university benefits from their inception and must, in all circumstances, abide by the eligibility requirements for the appropriate retirement plan (PERSI or Optional Retirement Plan (ORP).
5.4 Resident Directors
Resident Director positions are generally Non-Overtime Eligible. Resident Director positions meet the requirements of “teaching staff” under Idaho Code 67-5303(j) and are considered non-classified. Non-classified means the position is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 53, Title 67, Idaho Code – Personnel System.
5.5 Temporary/Special Project Positions
a. Temporary positions are short-term in nature and may be Overtime-Eligible or Non-Overtime-Eligible and are considered non-classified under the laws of the State of Idaho.
b. Temporary positions are generally used for 1.) grants, special projects, or contracts of specified duration that generally meet specific position requirements, 2.) part-time teaching (e.g., adjunct faculty), and 3.) fulfilling the responsibilities of a position on an emergency or temporary basis.
c. Temporary appointments cannot exceed 1,385 hours during any twelve (12) month period. Limited-duration positions expected to exceed 1,385 hours in any twelve (12) month period should be established as limited service classified positions under section 4.1.b. or limited-duration professional positions under section 5.3.d.
5.5.1 Adjunct Faculty
a. Adjunct faculty positions are part-time, temporary faculty positions in which an individual is hired to teach a specific course or courses for one academic semester or term with no expectation of subsequent appointments.
b. Typically, there is no expectation of research or professional service for an adjunct faculty member as part of a workload assignment.
c. See University Policy 4220 (Adjunct Faculty) for more information.
5.5.2 Professor of the Practice
a. A faculty position held by an individual who has significant, well-known achievements in their field of expertise and can help the University by serving as an advisor, teacher, researcher, donor, or University representative.
b. A Professor of the Practice might be someone whose experience, teaching abilities, and reputation advance the University, whose fame and accomplishments bring recognition to the University, or whose accomplishments, rather than advanced degrees, qualify them for the designation.
c. A Professor of the Practice may be an honorific position, or it may come with a salary and job responsibilities.
d. Appointments to Professors of the Practice must be approved by the President in consultation with the Provost.
5.5.3 Student Employees
a. A student position may be filled by a student enrolled at Boise State University with at least six (6) credits as an undergraduate student, or five (5) credits as a graduate student, or in the final semester of a degree program registered for all classes required for program completion.
b. The student must regularly attend classes or meet the intent to enroll criteria which means: 1.) a current student has registered for the next semester, or 2.) a new or returning student has current admission status for the next term.
c. Types of student positions include, but are not limited to Work-Study, graduate assistantships, undergraduate student research assistants, or commission-based student work.
d. Employment of a student who is under the age of 18 requires consultation with Human Resources and Workforce Strategy to ensure the student’s work will not involve any hazardous occupations as defined by the FLSA.
e. See University Policy 7470 (Student Employment) and University Policy 7170 (Graduate Assistantships) for more information.
5.5.4 Visiting Faculty
a. A faculty position held by an individual who is visiting the University for the purpose of collaboration, for advanced study in their field of expertise, or to augment the capabilities of the University through an appointment not covered by other types of faculty positions.
b. Examples include a Fulbright scholar, a person on sabbatical leave from their home institution, or a person with special capabilities hired as a sabbatical replacement.
c. Members of the visiting faculty are not eligible for tenure, may or may not have responsibilities for teaching and research or creative activity, and may serve on a wide range of academic or governance committees subject to policies of the department, the college, and the University.
d. Visiting Faculty appointments cannot exceed one (1) year.
6. Related Information
University Policy 4250 (Lecturer Faculty)
University Policy 4420 (Adjunct Faculty)
University Policy 4340 (Faculty Tenure and Promotion Guidelines)
University Policy 4490 (Clinical Faculty)
University Policy 4730 (Teaching Faculty)
University Policy 5010 (Research Faculty Policies and Procedures)
University Policy 7035 (Affiliates, Affiliate Faculty, and Volunteers)
University Policy 7170 (Graduate Assistantships)
University Policy 7470 (Student Employment)
University Policy 7630 (Recruitment and Hiring)
University Policy 7650 (Compensation)
Revision History
October 1999; January 2001; April 2001; September 2004; May 2010; November 2010; November 2011; September 2012; March 2019; January 2020; January 08, 2025