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Authorized Signatures on Expenditure Documents Pertaining to State, Federal, and Private Grants (Policy 6070)

University Policy 6070

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Effective Date

March 1982

Last Revision Date

October 2007

Responsible Party

Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations,

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all employees responsible for executing documents pertaining to state, federal, and private grants to the University.

1. Policy Purpose

To establish policy for the use of signatory authority for expenditure documents for state, federal, and private grants.

2. Policy Statement

This policy intends to ensure that the delegation of signatory authority in regards to grant expenditure documents is clearly delineated to facilitate efficiency and understanding in the execution of that authority.

3. Authority and Account Funds

3.1 Delegation of Authority

The dean of each college, or appropriate vice president, is responsible for the final authorization, accountability for grants, and all other funds secured in their particular college or major area of responsibility. However, the dean may, by written authorization from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations, delegate authority to a department chairperson or a specific grant project director to assume responsibility for the conduct of the grant or other financial management matters. This delegation in no way absolves the dean or the appropriate vice president of ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the grant.

3.2 Account Funds

In accepting these awards, the dean and department head ensure an adequate amount of unrestricted or appropriated college or departmental funds will be available to cover any overdrafts that occur in these grant and contract accounts.

Revision History

July 1995; October 2007

Last Review Date

August 27, 2021