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Laboratory Safety Committees (Policy 9240)

University Policy 9240

Effective Date

March 2012

Last Revision Date

November 11, 2024

Responsible Party

Chemical and Lab Safety (CaLS), (208) 426-3943

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all research and academic laboratories.

Additional Authority

University Policy 9140 (Environmental Health and Safety)

1. Policy Purpose

To establish the university’s safety committees and Safety Liaisons to help identify and implement efficient and effective ways to ensure compliance with University safety policies, rules, programs, and applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its faculty, staff, and students through the establishment of its safety committees and Safety Liaisons that focus on safety-related needs and issues in the University’s academic and research laboratories.

3. Definitions

3.1 Laboratory Safety Committee (LSC)

University or Unit level committee focused on safety.

3.2 Safety Liaison (SL)

An individual from a unit where an LSC has not been established. 

3.3 Unit

A school/college, department, center, institute, program, or other functional area of the university.

3.4 Laboratory Safety Officer

A member of CaLS responsible for developing, implementing, and managing the University’s laboratory-focused safety programs.

4. University Laboratory Safety Committee (University LSC)

The University LSC is a standing committee that provides oversight to the Unit Laboratory Safety Committees (Unit LSCs), serves as a point of contact for their respective unit’s LSC and Safety Liaison, and is charged with the following activities:

a. Serve as a parent committee to the Unit LSCs.

b. Approve unit plans for the establishment of Unit LSCs and Safety Liaisons.

c. Identify gaps between desired and actual laboratory safety, determine the significance of such gaps, and develop a course of action for the reduction or elimination of the gap.

d. Provide guidance and direction to the Unit LSCs and Safety Liaisons on prioritizing and implementing safety-related projects or tasks specific to their units.

e. Serve as a clearinghouse for ideas, collaboration, and when appropriate, standardization of procedures, protocols, and policies regarding laboratory best practices.

f. Provide recommendations to University administration, deans, and CaLS concerning laboratory safety procedures and practices when necessary.

4.1 Membership

a. The University LSC is comprised of representatives from a broad spectrum of University units with laboratories. The committee consists of the following members:

  • A representative from the College of Arts and Sciences
  • A representative from the College of Engineering
  • A representative from the College of Health Sciences
  • A representative from the College of Innovation and Design 
  • A representative from the Office of Research Compliance
  • A representative from the Department of Public Safety
  • A representative from Facilities Operations and Maintenance

b. Specific ex officio members of the University LSC include:

  • Hazardous Waste Manager, CaLS
  • Laboratory Safety Specialist, CaLS
  • Senior Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations

c. The committee will determine the units represented and the number of members from each unit.

d. The administrative head will appoint members for their respective units.

e. Members will serve two (2)-year terms with no limit to the number of terms served.

f. Term expirations will be staggered by approximately fifty percent (50%) to minimize committees being composed of all new members.

g. The University LSC Chair will be appointed to a one (1)-year term by the University LSC by committee majority, with the Laboratory Safety Officer and the Hazardous Waste  Manager being ineligible. A member may serve as the University LSC Chair for a maximum of four (4) consecutive terms and will not be eligible to serve again as Chair until two (2) years after their last term ends.

4.2 Meetings

a. The University LSC will meet at least once each fall and spring semester.

b. CaLS is responsible for facilitating meetings and keeping meeting minutes.

c. Meeting minutes will be made available to the University community and retained according to the University’s retention schedule in University Policy 1020 (Public Records Management).

4.3 Summary of Activities

The University LSC will submit an annual summary of their committee’s activities to the applicable vice presidents and deans by November 15 for the previous year.

5. Unit Laboratory Safety Committees (Unit LSC)

The Unit LSC is a subcommittee of the University LSC and is charged with the following activities:

a. Address safety concerns raised by administrative heads, the University LSC, or CaLS.

b. Assist lab supervisors and principal investigators with the implementation of and adherence to safety policies, procedures, and programs.

c. Review reports provided by CaLS and respond to areas of concern. Reports may include annual training, chemical purchase requisitions, hazard identification, waste disposal, exposure evaluations, laboratory safety assessments, and facility safety equipment.

d. Assist with the implementation of required safety training.

e. Communicate with unit heads, unit staff, and CaLS regarding the quality of the work environment.

f. Perform other safety-related functions assigned by administrative heads, University LSC, or CaLS.

5.1 Membership

a. The administrative head of the respective unit in section 4.1.1 will appoint members and designate the committee chair.

b. Members will include, where appropriate, faculty, professional, and classified staff.

c. Names of Unit LSC members will be forwarded to the University LSC Chair each year by October 15th.

d. Committee terms will be at the discretion of the respective administrative head.

e. Term expirations will be staggered by approximately fifty percent (50%) to minimize committees being composed of all new members.

f. The Laboratory Safety Specialist or designee will serve as an ex officio member on all Unit LSCs.

5.2 Meetings

Each Unit LSC will meet at a frequency determined by its members but at least once each semester. Approved meeting minutes should be made available to the unit’s constituents and retained according to the University’s records retention schedule (see University Policy 1020 – Public Records Management).

5.3 Summary of Activities

Each Unit LSC will submit an annual summary of their committee’s activities to the University LSC and their administrative head by November 15 for the previous year.

6. Safety Liaison

Units without a Unit LSC will have a Safety Liaison appointed by their respective administrative head. Term limits will be determined by the respective administrative head. The Safety Liaisons are responsible for the following activities:

a. Assisting lab supervisors and principal investigators with the implementation of and adherence to safety policies, procedures, and programs.

b. Reviewing reports provided by CaLS and responding to areas of concern. Reports may include annual training, chemical purchase requisitions, hazard identification, waste disposal, medical evaluations, exposure evaluations, laboratory safety assessments, and facility safety equipment.

c. Maintaining communications with the respective unit’s staff and CaLS concerning the quality of the work environment.

d. Performing other safety-related functions as assigned by administrative heads, the University LSC, or CaLS.

 University Policy 1020 (Public Records Management)

Revision History

November 11, 2024

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