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Communicable Disease (Policy 9270)

University Policy 9270

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Effective Date

August 21, 2020

Last Revision Date

March 12, 2024

Responsible Party

Public Health Office, (208) 426-1523
Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability, (208) 426-3906
University Health Services, (208) 426-1459

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all Members of the University Community.

Additional Authority

  • Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Idaho Code § 33-3730
  • Idaho Code § 39-4802
  • IDAPA 16.02.10
  • University Policy 2020 (Student Code of Conduct)
  • University Policy 9140 (Environmental Health and Safety)
  • University Policy 12020 (Exclusion from Campus)

1. Policy Purpose

To establish procedures, responsibilities, and guidelines for the effective management and prevention of Communicable Diseases affecting the University community.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University is committed to providing a safe working, learning, and living environment for all Members of the University Community by preventing and/or minimizing the spread of Communicable Diseases. Subject to Idaho State Board of Education authority, the university generally seeks to adhere to the guidance of Public Health Officials to prevent and/or minimize the transmission of Communicable Diseases.

3. Definitions

3.1 Close Contact

Contact with an individual with a Communicable Disease that is deemed by Public Health Officials to put the uninfected person at enough risk for acquiring the disease and transmitting it to others that mitigating action is necessary.

3.2 Communicable Disease

An infectious disease that is spread from person-to-person. Communicable Diseases that may significantly threaten the health and safety of the University community are required to be reported and/or are restrictable by Idaho schools under IDAPA 16.02.10. Communicable Diseases reportable to the Public Health Office include, but are not limited to:

  • Diphtheria
  • E. coli O157:H7 and other Shiga-Toxin Producing E. coli
  • Haemophilus influenzae Invasive Disease
  • Measles
  • Meningitis (invasive)
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Non-Invasive Disease
  • Mpox
  • Mumps
  • Norovirus
  • Pediculosis or head lice
  • Pertussis
  • Plague
  • Pneumococcal invasive disease in children less than eighteen (18) years of age
  • Polio
  • Rubella
  • Scabies
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
  • Shigella
  • Smallpox
  • Staphylococcal infections other than MRSA
  • Strep Infection
  • Group A Strep, invasive or resulting in rheumatic fever
  • Tuberculosis
  • Varicella (chicken pox)

Other Communicable Diseases not reportable to the Public Health Office, but in which an individual should consult with their Healthcare Provider include, but are not limited to:

  • COVID-19 (as needed)
  • Influenza (as needed)
  • Mononucleosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs)

3.3 Contact Tracing

A process that involves identifying an individual who has a Communicable Disease (case) and their exposed contacts, then working with those individuals to interrupt disease transmission.

3.4 Epidemic

The occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a given area or among a specific group of individuals over a particular period of time.

3.5 Exposure

The mechanism and timing connected to person-to-person spread of a Communicable Disease.

3.6 Facial Covering

Mask or respirator meant to provide protection from and/or prevent transmission of viruses spread through the air.

3.7 Healthcare Provider

A licensed physician, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, or other provider acting within the scope of their state licensure.

3.8 Isolate/Isolation or Quarantine

Sequestration of an individual from contact with the University community for a prescribed period of time to prevent the spread of a Communicable Disease. Isolation or Quarantine will be utilized on a case-by-case basis based upon consultation with Public Health Officials and with the University’s Public Health Office.

3.9 Members of the University Community

For purposes of this policy, all University employees, students, volunteers, visitors, and any individual who comes to campus for any purpose.

3.10 Outbreak

The sudden rise in the incidence of a disease in a defined geographic area.

3.11 Pandemic

An extensive Epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents or the world, usually affecting a large number of people.

3.12 Physical Distancing

A public health practice used to prevent the spread of a Communicable Disease by putting space (often measured at 6 feet) between individuals.

3.13 Public Health Officials

Local, regional, state, and national or federal health departments and agencies, such as Central District Health, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

3.14 Restriction

To limit the activities of a person to reduce the risk of transmitting a communicable disease. Activities of individuals are restricted or limited to reduce the risk of disease transmission until such time that they are no longer considered a health risk to others.

3.15 Reportable Disease

Certain diseases required to be reported to the Boise State Public Health Office for tracking purposes, determining disease impact, monitoring trends in disease, and guiding prevention strategies.

3.16 Restrictable Disease

A Communicable Disease, which if left unrestricted, may have serious consequences to the public’s health. The determination of whether a disease is restrictable is based upon the specific environmental setting and the likelihood of transmission to susceptible persons.

4. University Responsibilities

a. The University will maintain all medical records and patient information in accordance with applicable privacy laws and University policies. The privacy of individuals with a Communicable Disease will be maintained except when disclosure is necessary and authorized under federal and Idaho law.

b. The university will notify Public Health Officials of any disease on the Idaho Reportable Disease List as set forth in IDAPA 06.02.10.

c. The University will not unlawfully discriminate in policy or practice, including in admissions and employment, against individuals who have or are considered to be at risk for a Communicable Disease.

4.1 Communication and Outreach

a. The University will develop and maintain a communication plan and any needed educational programs and outreach efforts once a Communicable Disease threat has been identified.

b. All educational programs and outreach efforts will utilize the most current medical and scientific information available and will address both contagion information and prevention measures such as vaccinations.

c. The communication plan will address campus mandates based on the most current information available which all Members of the University Community are required to follow to ensure the health and safety of the entire campus community. Where required, emergency notifications for Communicable Disease Outbreaks will be issued pursuant to University Policy 12110 (Emergency Notification).

4.2 Testing and Medical Resources

a. The University will identify community and/or University locations for Communicable Disease testing or related services for students and employees.

b. The university will rely upon qualified Healthcare Providers and Public Health Officials to manage Outbreaks, Epidemics, and Pandemics, and will encourage Members of the University to do the same.

5. Student and Employee Responsibilities

Students, faculty, and other employees, who are not fully remote, must adhere to the following health and safety requirements:

a. Any student, faculty member, or other employee, who is not fully remote, with a confirmed Communicable Disease that is reportable to the Public Health Office under Section 3.2 must report that information to the Public Health Office. A faculty member who is made aware that a student has a Communicable Disease should refer the student to the Public Health Office. A supervisor who is made aware that an employee has a Communicable Disease should refer the employee to the Public Health Office.

b. Follow all Idaho State Board of Education-authorized safety measures, procedures, responsibilities, and guidance, absent medical inability, to stop or slow the progression of a Communicable Disease which may include but is not limited to:

  • Physical Distancing, when required
  • Wearing a Facial Covering, when required
  • Submitting to screening, when required
  • Isolating or Quarantining, when required
  • Assisting with cleaning and disinfection work, classroom, study, or recreation space, when required
  • Closing the institution or any of its building, campuses, programs, or activities
  • Other measures, when required

Faculty and other employees unable to comply with any recommended safety measures due to a medical condition should consult with Human Resources to determine if an accommodation is appropriate. Students should consult with the Educational Access Center.

a. Obtain advice, as needed, from a Healthcare Provider if known or suspected to have a Communicable Disease and, if indicated, to obtain follow-up treatment.

b. Cease normal activities on campus (other than for purposes of seeking medical treatment), when required, following Public Health Official guidelines if diagnosed with a Communicable Disease.

c. Cooperate with requests by the local public health district and the Public Health Office for Contact Tracing or investigation.

6. Public Health Office Responsibilities

a. The Public Health Office is responsible for tracking Epidemics, Pandemics, and Outbreaks of significant Communicable Diseases.

b. The Public Health Office, in consultation with the Executive Director of University Health Services, is the University lead on all public health matters, including Communicable Diseases which are related to faculty, other employees, and students.

c. The Public Health Office and/or the Executive Director of University Health Services will initiate an investigation after receiving a report of a potential Communicable Disease to determine the validity of the information. If the report is verified, and it is determined that the Communicable Disease poses a serious threat to the health and safety of the University community, the Public Health Office and/or the Executive Director of University Health Services will convey the necessary information to the President.

d. The Public Health Office and/or the Executive Director of University Health Services will notify and work with the local public health district to provide appropriate diagnostic, prophylactic, and therapeutic measures for the affected individual(s) and for the health and safety of the University community.

7. Procedures

During a Communicable Disease Outbreak, or notification of a rise in cases of a Communicable Disease within the campus or surrounding community, the Idaho State Board of Education may authorize, or may delegate authority to the University president, to authorize any of the following:

a. Temporary closure of the University or any of its buildings, campuses, programs, activities, or services.

b. Concurrence by Public Health Officials and/or the Public Health Office that an employee should be excluded from the workplace.

c. Isolation of an ill or symptomatic student or employee, or Quarantine of an exposed or potentially ill student or employee by the Public Health Office or Public Health Officials.

d. The Public Health Office and/or the Executive Director of University Health Services may institute such orders as necessary and recommended by Public Health Officials to slow or stop the progression of a Communicable Disease, including but not limited to requiring Members of the University Community to observe all health and safety requirements on campus, which may include restricting an individual from attending University-sanctioned functions, restricting entry to campus residential and food service areas, etc.

7.1 Managing a Student with a Communicable Disease

a. The Public Health Office will provide guidance and assistance to students suspected or confirmed to have a reportable Communicable Disease while maintaining confidentiality to the extent possible.

b. University Health Services may examine, test, or consult with a student suspected of having a Communicable Disease and may determine appropriate medical care. The Public Health Office and/or the Executive Director of University Health Services will work with Public Health Officials, as necessary, to acquire a list of possible persons at risk for that Communicable Disease.

c. A student who is known or suspected to have a Communicable Disease may be subject to certain limitations, which may include temporarily restricting the student from attending face-to-face classes, obtaining meals in dining facilities, participating in other in-person campus activities, or remaining in a University residential facility.

d. The Public Health Office will, in consultation with the Executive Director of University Health Services or other Healthcare Provider, determine if the student should be excluded from campus, Isolated, Quarantined, or transferred to the hospital.

e. The Public Health Office will coordinate any services needed for a student who is Isolated or Quarantined on campus.

f. Public Health Officials and/or the Public Health Office will provide guidance for when a student may be discharged from Isolation or Quarantine and returned to normal activity.

g. A student restricted from face-to-face classes or any other campus activity must be released for normal activity by the Public Health Office.

7.2 Managing an Employee with a Communicable Disease

An employee may be excluded from normal campus activities, including reporting to the workplace, following Public Health Official guidelines. The employee must not return to normal campus activities or the workplace until cleared to return by the Public Health Office. The employee may be granted leave in accordance with the University’s leave policies.

Revision History

November 04, 2020; September 24, 2021; August 03, 2022; August 14, 2023; March 12, 2024