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Requesting Reinstatement to a Graduate Program (Policy 3090)

University Policy 3090

Download a Printable Version of Policy 3090

Effective Date

October 2001

Last Revision Date

December 2019

Responsible Party

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Dean of the Graduate College, (208) 426-3647

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all graduate students at the University.

1. Policy Purpose

To provide a process for former students to request reinstatement to a graduate program.

2. Policy Statement

The Dean of the Graduate College will consider a request for reinstatement to a graduate degree or certificate program from a former student who has been administratively withdrawn.

3. Request for Reinstatement

A Request for Reinstatement must be submitted to the Graduate College as follows:

Within 90 days from receiving notification of the administrative withdrawal, the former student must submit to the Graduate College, at, a Graduate Appeal Form, along with a written letter, limited to one typed page, along with adequate justification and pertinent documentation explaining why the Request for Reinstatement should be granted.

4. Review of Request for Reinstatement

a.  The Graduate College will notify the Graduate Program Coordinator and the former student of the receipt of the Request for Reinstatement within five (5) University business days.

b.  Following receipt of the Request for Reinstatement, the graduate program coordinator(s), in consultation with the Graduate College, will assemble a review committee to evaluate the student’s request. Within twenty (20) University business days from receipt of the Request for Reinstatement, the review committee will make a recommendation to the Dean of the Graduate College stating whether or not the graduate program supports the student’s request for reinstatement. If the graduate program does not support the student’s request, the graduate program must provide an explanation for the lack of support. If the graduate program supports the student’s request, the graduate program must define any stipulations to be satisfied by the student upon reinstatement.

c.  The Graduate College will provide a copy of the graduate program’s recommendation, including any explanation and stipulations to the former student, within ten (10) University business days of receiving the recommendation from the graduate program.

d.  Within ten (10) University business days of the Graduate College’s notification to the former student of the graduate program’s recommendation, the former student may submit, in response, a written letter limited to one typed page, along with adequate justification and pertinent documentation.

5. Request for Reinstatement Decision

a. The Dean of the Graduate College will consider the Request for Reinstatement, the graduate program’s recommendation (including the explanation and any stipulations), and any response from the former student to the graduate program’s recommendation (including the explanation and any stipulations).

b. Within twenty (20) University business days after the response period provided to the former student, the Dean will issue a Request for Reinstatement Decision to the former student with a copy to the graduate program. The Dean’s Request for Reinstatement Decision is the University’s final notification to the former student concerning the matter.

6. Forms

Graduate Appeal Form

Revision History

February 2016; December 2019