University Policy 4690
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Effective Date
May 2020
Responsible Party
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all student course evaluations.
Additional Authority
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy II.G.
- Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Standard 2.B.6
- University Policy 1060 (Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment)
- University Policy 1070 (Equal Opportunity Statement)
- University Policy 7060 (Employee Records)
- University Policy 4220 (Adjunct Faculty)
- University Policy 4290 (Annual Faculty Evaluation)
- University policy 4330 (Student Course Evaluations)
- University policy 4490 (Clinical Faculty)
- University Policy 4340 (Faculty Tenure and Promotion)
- University Policy 5010 (Research Faculty)
- University Policy 7000 (Position Titles and Definitions)
1. Policy Purpose
To provide a process for faculty to request redaction of comments in student course evaluations that do not relate to the instructor’s effectiveness, that harass, threaten, defame, or that are discriminatory in referring to protected characteristics of the instructor and violate the following University policies: University Policy 1060 (Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment); University Policy 1070 (Equal Opportunity Statement; and University Policy 2020 (Student Code of Conduct).
2. Policy Statement
After reviewing student feedback from the evaluation reports, faculty may request redaction of any comments that harass, threaten, defame, or otherwise fall outside the scope of the course by submitting a request to the Assistant Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs.
3. Criteria for Redaction
a. Comments that harass, threaten, defame, or otherwise fall outside the University Standards of Conduct.
b. Comments that evaluate the instructor on criteria not related to the instructor’s teaching performance and/or on a discriminatory basis. This includes comments that relate to protected characteristics of the instructor such as the instructor’s race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, military or veteran status or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law. See University Policy 1060 (Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment); University Policy 1070 (Equal Opportunity Statement); and University Policy 2020 (Student Code of Conduct).
c. Comments that raise allegations of professional impropriety (including harassment or discrimination) on the part of the instructor will be referred to the appropriate University authorities for investigation. If the allegations are found to be false, redaction may be possible.
4. Process for Requesting Redaction
Faculty who wish to request that a comment be redacted should follow the process below.
4.1 Timeline
Faculty are encouraged to submit their request soon after course evaluation results are available, but must allow for at least 10 University business days before the redactions are completed in the course evaluation system.
4.2 Process
a. Faculty should submit a redaction request to the Assistant Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs.
b. Requests submitted within the time frame above are reviewed by the Assistant Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs in consultation with the Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics; the appropriate dean, or their designee; and other parties as needed. Confidentiality will be maintained within the Office of the Provost to the extent permissible by law. Decisions will be made within 10 University business days.
c. If redaction is approved, the faculty member’s Associate Dean or Dean may be notified that action has been taken, but not the content of the comment.
4.3 Appeals
a. Faculty may appeal the decision. A request for an appeal should be sent to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies or the Dean of the Graduate College. In consultation with the Assistant Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs, an appeals decision will be made.
b. A confirmation of receipt of an appeal will be sent within five (5) University business days.
c. A final decision will be made within fourteen (14) University business days.