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Faculty Exchange (Policy 4390)

University Policy 4390

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Effective Date

July 1978

Last Revision Date

July 1995

Responsible Party

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all University faculty.

1. Policy Purpose

To establish a procedure allowing an exchange between state agency personnel and University faculty personnel.

2. Policy Statement

A faculty exchange occurs when the faculty member has been assigned for a particular semester to a state agency or institution of higher education to perform duties as prescribed by that particular agency/institution. The agency, in turn, provides a qualified person(s) to cover the classes normally taught by the faculty member. The exchange program can serve as a means of benefiting students, as well as the faculty member.

3. Responsibilities and Procedures

Before a faculty exchange program can be initiated, the following requirements must be met:

a. The department chair must submit to the dean a completed Employment Action Form, along with a complete description of the proposed exchange. This must be initiated prior to the desired semester in which the proposed exchange is to take place.

b. If approved, the dean will sign the Employment Action Form and forward the form and description to the Provost and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

c. If approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, this request will be submitted to the State Board of Education for approval.

These steps must be followed to insure State Board approval prior to the initiation of the exchange. No commitments should be made until the State Board approval has been granted.

Revision History

July 1995