University Policy 4160
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Effective Date
July 1978
Last Revision Date
May 2011
Responsible Party
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Office of the Registrar, (208) 426-4249
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to the scheduling of all University for-credit classes and all classroom spaces for fall and spring semester.
1. Policy Purpose
To define the standard University meeting times and patterns for classes and to define the process for scheduling classes for fall and spring semester.
2. Policy Statement
The University Schedule of Classes will be developed to accommodate students and faculty by providing reasonable meeting times for classes. Departments will schedule classes based on the standard meeting times and patterns.
3. Responsibilities and Procedures
3.1 General Guidelines
a. The schedule of classes will be developed via the online Class Scheduling tool. The submitted schedules will be analyzed to ensure adherence to this policy. As needed the coordinator of class development in the Office of the Registrar will work with deans and department chairs relative to schedule adjustments.
b. Once room assignments have been made and conflicts resolved, the Schedule of Classes will be prepared for publication. In general, the spring semester schedule will be available on mid-October and the fall semester schedule will be available on mid-March.
c. Departments should be sensitive to the needs of students, such as the coordination of scheduling classes needed by multiple majors.
d. The following are the standard meeting times and patterns for 3-credit classes:
One day/week
Two days/week
Three days/week
3.1.1 One-Credit Classes
- One 50-minute block, starting at one of the standard start times as listed above for 3-credit classes.
- Departments are encouraged to schedule on Monday mornings.
3.1.2 Two-Credit Classes
- Two 50-minute blocks, following the two day per week meeting patterns and start times as listed above for 3-credit classes.
- One 100-minute block, ending at one of the standard end times for two day per week classes as listed above for 3-credit classes.
- Departments are encouraged to schedule on Monday mornings.
3.1.3 Four-Credit Classes
All classes start or end according to the times listed above for 3-credit classes:
- M/W/F – Two 75-minute blocks and one 50-minute block.
- T/Th/F – Two 75-minute blocks and one 50-minute block (afternoons only).
- M/T/Th – Two 75-minute blocks and one 50-minute block (mornings only).
- Two 100-minute classes, following the two day per week meeting patterns but ending at a standard two day per week end time as listed above instead of starting at a standard start time.
3.1.4 Five-Credit Classes
All classes start according to the three day per week start times as listed above for 3-credit classes:
- M/T/W/Th/F – Five 50 minute blocks.
- Laboratory and short-session classes that cannot fit within the standard meeting times shall start on a standard start time or end on a standard end time.
3.2 Procedures
The following procedures have been established to ensure timely and policy- compliant development of the University Schedule of Classes.
a. The coordinator of class development will provide each department with access to the Online Class Scheduling tool.
b. Departments will update their class schedules, based on the last like-term, using the Online Class Scheduling tool.
(i.) After initial room assignments, departmental representatives may contact the scheduling area of the Registrar’s Office to request information on availability of rooms. If any unused room is available at the time needed, the coordinator of class development may reserve it for the department without further coordination.
(ii.) If there is not an adequate room available, the coordinator of class development may recommend possible alternatives such as other times available or other rooms.
(iii.) Requests for exceptions to standard meeting times and/or patterns must include justification as to why the class cannot meet at the standard meeting time/pattern and discussion of impacts on student schedules and space utilization. These requests must be submitted via the online form on the Registrar’s Office website prior to the deadline for the first review of classes and will be reviewed by the Scheduling Action Team.
c. The coordinator of class development has been assigned the responsibility of coordinating the formation, editing, and production of the Boise State University Schedule of Classes. In addition, this person is charged with the coordination of instructional space to gain maximum utilization and to serve academic requirements. Coordination, schedule adjustments and schedule decisions will be made in accordance with the procedures and with the authority as delegated in this policy and University Policy #4170.
Revision History
March 1992; July 1995; July 2002; May 2011