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Academic Advising Administrative Responsibilities (Policy 4020)

University Policy 4020

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Effective Date

July 1987

Last Revision Date

September 2012

Responsible Party

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Director of Advising and Academic Support, (208) 426-3676
Academic Advising Council

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to University advising program staff, deans, department chairs, and advising coordinators.

1. Policy Purpose

To define the administrative responsibilities for academic advising at the university, college, and department/unit levels.

2. University Advising Coordination

The Director of Advising and Academic Support serves a coordinating role in University-level advising and is responsible for:

  • Coordinating advising with orientation and registration activities.
  • Communicating regularly with deans, college advising coordinators, department/unit personnel involved in advising coordination, and academic advisors.
  • Initiating discussion with the appropriate individuals when changes in the advising process are to be considered.
  • Planning and directing the implementation of the assessment of the University-wide advising process and dissemination of results.
  • Providing training and development opportunities for all academic advisors in cooperation with college advising coordinators and responsible department /unit personnel.
  • Serving on University committees and work groups where matriculation, advising, registration, and retention issues are central.
  • Chairing the University Advising Council charged with ensuring that all administrative entities involved in advising services and all other entities affected by advising processes have input.

3. College Advising Coordination

Each college dean will designate an academic advising coordinator who is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that academic advising services are available, as determined by the academic calendar, class registration schedule, and college or department/unit, and student need.
  • Working in collaboration with the dean and department chairs to develop a college advising model, or policy, consistent with University advising policy.
  • Assisting in the development of department/unit advising models and policies consistent with University and college policies.
  • Participating in review of periodic advising assessment outcomes for the college and making recommendations for revision of college and department/unit advising model and policies to improve advising processes.
  • Disseminating information about training and development opportunities for academic advisors at the college or University level in collaboration with the Director of Advising and Academic Support.

4. Departmental/Unit Advising Coordination

Each department/unit chair is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that departmental advising services are available in the department/unit as determined by the academic calendar, class registration schedule, and student need.
  • Developing a departmental advising model, or policy, in collaboration with department faculty and other personnel involved in departmental advising (e.g., departmental advising coordinators, staff, and peer advisors).
  • Reviewing periodic advising assessment outcomes for the department/unit in collaboration with the college advising coordinator and making recommendations to the department/unit faculty for revision of its advising model and policies to improve advising processes.
  • Disseminating information about training and development opportunities for academic advisors at the college or University level in collaboration with the Director of Advising and Academic Support and college advising coordinators.

Revision History

September 2012