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Employee Safety and Loss Control Training (Policy 9210)

University Policy 9210

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Effective Date

July 1995

Last Revision Date

March 01, 2024

Responsible Party

Facilities Operations and Maintenance, (208) 426-1409
Risk Management and Insurance, (208) 426-3636

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all University employees.

1. Policy Purpose

To provide safety and loss control training for employees appropriate for their job duties to minimize or eliminate workplace accidents, injuries, illnesses, and/or equipment and facility damage.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University recognizes that work-related accidents or illnesses are often caused by individuals acting in an unsafe manner, unsafe physical conditions in the workplace, a lack of awareness of job hazards, or a combination of the above. These incidents can most often be prevented by eliminating unsafe acts or correcting unsafe conditions. Safety and loss control training is based on needs developed from job descriptions, job safety analyses, and reports of previous occupational injuries, illnesses, and losses. University departments should establish effective safety and loss control training programs that consider the following principles:

  • All accidents have causes that are subject to control.
  • It is possible and practical to eliminate or minimize workplace hazards.
  • Management is responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Immediate supervisors are the critical link to identifying hazards and maintaining a safe workplace.
  • Good safety practices are always an integral part of effective work behavior.

3. New Employee Orientation and Initial On-the-Job Training

Responsibilities of the immediate supervisor:

a. Instruct new employees on University policies and procedures related to safe and healthful work practices.

b. Provide necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), as required, for the employee’s position and duties and instruct the employee on the correct usage of such equipment.

c. Instruct employees on the specific working conditions and procedures related to their position and provide them with safety and loss control training opportunities through on-the-job training or the use of in-house or external programs.

d. Observe new employees at work and demonstrate correct and safe methods of work.

e. Set a good example for workplace safety.

f. Coordinate job-specific safety and loss control training as appropriate for the employee.

4. Incident Reporting and Recordkeeping

Responsibilities of the immediate supervisor and Human Resources:

a. Supervisors must keep records of orientation and on-the-job safety training, which also must be provided to Human Resources for the employee’s official personnel record (see University Policy 7530 – Employee Files).

b. Supervisors must advise their employees to promptly report any work-related incidents, accidents, or illnesses to their immediate supervisor. Supervisors must report such incidents to Risk Management and Insurance using the appropriate form.

5. Job Descriptions and Annual Performance Evaluations

a. Job descriptions for employees and employees with supervisor responsibilities must reflect the appropriate level of responsibility for safety and loss control training relative to their position. The job description should be reviewed annually. Updated job descriptions must be submitted to Human Resources at

b. Supervisors should ensure their employees, including employees with supervisor responsibilities, understand that “work environment/safety” is a core performance standard on their annual performance evaluation and that they will be rated annually on their performance of such standard.

Human Resources Position Description Information

Risk Management and Insurance Claim and Accident Report Form

University Policy 7530 (Employee Files)

Revision History

June 2004; January 2018; March 01, 2024

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