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Art Meets Astronomy: An Artist’s Vision of Black Holes

The Boise State Observatory Mural

If you have visited the Boise State Observatory in the past year then you’ve been greeted with a new inspiring mural of a black hole. But many visitors might wonder, what is the history of the mural and who is the artist behind this unique art installation. 

Meet the artist 

Meet Robin Matson, the artist behind the mural. 

Photo of Robin Matson

Robin is a 2022-2023 AstroTAC team member, helping spread astronomy to schools and communities all across the state of Idaho through activities and lessons. Robin helped extend this reach by sharing astronomy through art. This mural depicts a black hole and an accretion disc. This helps to bring up conversations about the mystery behind black holes to visitors. 

What is the history behind the mural?

This beautiful mural is located in the hallway leading up to the main stairwell for the observatory. Originally, the space was bare and a normal, plain hallway. To help bring it to life, Robin’s task is to create a space-related mural to transform the entry to our observatory. 

The original hallway before the completion of the mural

The design stage

This art installation began with the design stage. During the process, many designs were looked over before one was finally settled on. “It was a little nerve-wracking to create a design that others might appreciate. But I got feedback from the team and gained some confidence in it.” Robin stated.

The first draft
The final draft

Painting the base

The next step in the design process was painting a primer and then a black base within the hallway. This process involved the whole 2022-2023 AstroTAC, making it a very nice bonding activity for the new outreach team.

Mural Progress Image

Painting the mural

Finally, painting was the longest and hardest part according to Robin. “The biggest technical challenge was deciding whether the mural was finished or not. I kept wanting to add more stars or little details, but I didn’t want to go overboard. I had to strike a balance.”

Photo of Robin Matson

Photo of Robin Matson

Overall the entire mural from the designing stages to completion took 4 months to complete and was unveiled at our May 2023 First Friday Astronomy.

When asked about this experience, Robin states: “I feel incredibly honored and lucky to have gotten the opportunity to create a permanent mural for the observatory. The hallway looked a little unnerving before, and now there’s a little something for the public to see as they make their way up for stargazing (and for our researchers who use the telescopes up there). 

Mural Creation Video

“It’s definitely my favorite mural I’ve done.” says Robin. 

Feel free to come visit our observatory and mural during our First Friday Astronomy events as well as our weekly Friday Night Stargazing

Article written by Chandler Beasley, 2024 AstroTAC member.