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Stargazing Nights

This summer, we are hosting stargazing nights at our observatory! Every Friday night after sunset until around midnight, our observatory will be open to the public as long as the weather is good and the skies are clear. If it’s too cloudy or if the weather is bad, the event will be canceled for safety reasons and to prevent damage to the equipment. The observatory is located at the top of the education building at Boise State University and houses a 16-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Depending on the night, we might also have one or two portable telescopes on the observation deck. The observation deck overlooks the city and provides an incredible view of Boise and the surrounding areas.

What Can You See?

Our telescopes will be focused on different objects. We will choose the objects in which we will be showing beforehand and will not be taking requests. However, regardless of what you see, the view will be incredible. Here are some examples of objects we have been able to see so far:

Image of moon as seen from the observatory telescope taken by Arianna Japalucci
Image of Black Eye Galaxy as seen from the Unistellar Equinox telescope taken by Arianna Japalucci

Our sky is filled with incredible sights and telescopes allow us to see into the deepest areas of space. Even from the ground we can use telescopes to see a variety of objects that are millions of light years away, such as stars, galaxies, and nebulae. Come join us in exploring and appreciating the beauty of outer space! 

We do ask that you make a reservation in advance. We will also keep you updated on whether or not the observatory will be open on a certain night. To access the updates, learn more about visiting the observatory, or to make a reservation, please visit:

We hope to see you soon! ☆

Article written by Arianna Japalucci