Email: jstockto@boisestate.edu
Office: Chrisway Annex (2103 University), Rm 115
Phone: (208) 426-2127
Areas of Interest:
Medieval Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy and Film, and the History of Ideas.
Courses Taught:
Current: Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 101); Knowledge and Reality (PHIL 101);
Classics of Western Philosophy (PHIL 102); Introduction to Logic (PHIL 201); Medieval Philosophy (PHIL 307); Aesthetics (PHIL 337); Eastern Philosophy (PHIL 321); and Introduction to the Humanities (Hum 207). Past: Ethics (PHIL 211); and Philosophy of Religion (PHIL 231). Special topics and interdisciplinary courses: Philosophy, Literature, and Film; The Moral Novel and Film; Philosophy, Fantasy, and Film; C.S. Lewis: Philosophy and Literature; C. S. Lewis and Plato’s Republic; Nietzsche; Philosophy of Law.
Jim Stockton received his M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Nevada-Reno, and an M.A. in English from Boise State University. His current work has been given to medieval aesthetics and film theory. Jim lives in Boise with his wife Kathy, their dog Dahlia and the two cats, Kalvin and Pearl. Favorite hobbies include theater, travel, and stamp collecting.