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Philosophy Department building had the grease!

The round building below is now the Chrisway Annex – at 2103 University Drive. Once, a greasy spoon! (And for a long time, the BSU Health Center).

Now home to RADAR (Regional Alcohol & Drug Awareness Resource),  the Philosophy Department, Psychology Research offices, the Idaho Innocence Project, and so much more. Come and visit!

Learn about the history of this burger joint/health center/academic research offices, etc. on the back cover.

Boise KwiCurb ‘Round House’ 1950s burger joint
Boise KwiCurb ‘Round House’ 1950s burger joint
Chrisway Annex #1 - 2103 University. Where Philosophy now lives!
Chrisway Annex #1 – 2103 University. Where Philosophy now lives!