North Idaho College is hosting this year’s Northwest Philosophy Conference October 9-10, 2015
The conference has no specific focus; all topics are welcome. Papers may be submitted by professionals as well as graduate students. Please submit papers bySept. 1 (decisions by Sept. 10). Submissions by Aug. 15, will have acceptance notifications sent by Sept. 1, 2015.
If you are interested in chairing a paper session, please email your interest as soon as possible to:
Dr. Ed Kaitz / eekaitz@nic.edu or John Jensen / jdjensen@nic.edu
This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Mark Bauerlein from Emory University. His talk is title “Why Are the Humanities Deteriorating?” He is probably most well-known for his 2009 bestseller, The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future. More recently, he served as editor for The Digital Divide: Arguments For and Against Facebook, Google, Texting, and the Age of Social Networking (2011) as well as The State of the American Mind: 16 Leading Critics on the New Anti-Intellectualism (2015).
To register, submit papers, find hotels, etc., just visit the conference website:
www.nic.edu/nwphilosophyconference .
For information please contact Dr. Ed Kaitz ekaitz@nic.edu or John Jensen / jdjensen@nic.edu
North Idaho College, Philosophy Dept., 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814