Pacific University recently held its 19th annual Undergraduate Philosophy Conference to which five Boise State undergraduates had their paper’s accepted. Chris Bower, Jacob Morris, Lauren Stevens, Philip Heard, and Trevor Adams, along with many other Philosophy Club (Facebook) members, made the trip to Forest Grove, Oregon this last weekend to attend the Conference.
Besides meeting their peers and listening to many presentations on a variety of topics, students were able to attend a live taping of the radio program “Philosophy Talk”–a public radio program hosted by John Perry and Ken Taylor, Stanford University–entitled “Neuroscience and Free Will”. Students then were able to ask questions after Perry and Taylor held the bulk of their discussion with their guest Daniel Dennett, Tufts University; it is anticipated that this particular episode of “Philosophy Talk” will be aired this summer. Students further received a keynote address from Daniel Dennett entitled “Information as Design Worth Stealing”. As with all conferences, attendees also enjoyed networking with fellow undergraduates and exploring the area around Forest Grove.