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Add class for FA 14! PHIL 297-001 ‘Thinking Well, Thinking Badly’

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Thinking Well, Thinking Badly

  • PHIL 297-001 (#75224) Fall 2014
  • Mon/Wed 3:00-4:15 E 330
  • Drs. Patrick Beach and Stephen Crowley


Reasoning is at the heart of much of what we do as humans. It can be done well or badly. This class is an introduction to a set of the most important methods for evaluating that process.

Add this class to your FA 14 Schedule!

This is an elective course for everyone — after all, we all reason and our lives go better if we reason well. So join us in our efforts to discover the reasonable and avoid the bogus.

Contact Dr. Stephen Crowley for more information. 208-426-1786 or