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Studying Abroad in Bilbao, Spain: A Survival Guide

Studying Abroad in Bilbao, Spain: A Survival Guide

This project will dive into a three-part  survival guide for studying abroad in Bilbao, Spain. The guide will cover pre-study abroad items, how to enhance your experience while you are abroad, and post-study abroad items. I think this will bring a different perspective to students and will genuinely benefit them to have this awesome information.

Fall 2019

Before Studying Abroad

“I am hoping that the survival guide that I make will be an extremely useful tool for students to use if they are thinking about possibly studying abroad. It should give a unique impact on students by touching more on the personal side of all of the prep work instead of a how-to guide on what to do if you want to go abroad.”

— Gabby

View Project – Pre-Study Abroad Survival Guide
Spring 2020

Abroad in Bilbao

“I want this study abroad survival guide to help students throughout their journey abroad. I want to cover anything and everything useful in their time abroad. For example, how to travel for cheap, places in Bilbao to visit, places in the Basque Country to visit, foods to try, how to get emerged into the Basque culture, how to practice Spanish, ways to meet locals, etc. I am hoping for this to be a go to guide for students studying abroad in Bilbao to use as a resource and to answer questions they might have.”

— Gabby

View Project – Study Abroad Survival Guide
Fall 2020

Post-Study Abroad Guide

“My goal with this survival guide is to make a connection with students who have recently returned from being abroad. Letting students know that whatever they are feeling is valid, and how to navigate all of the emotions that come with returning home.”

— Gabby

View Post-Study Abroad Guide
Fall 2020

Maneras para volver al extranjero

Esta guía trata sobre las maneras en que una persona puede ir a otro país después de la universidad. Tiene muchas opciones diferentes y los recursos necesarios para hacer más investigación. Además, incluye enlaces que pueda facilitar más la investigación sobre su tema de importancia. Espero que esta guía le ayude a encontrar unas oportunidades interesantes para seguir adelante con su español.

View Maneras para volver al extranjero

About the Author

My name is Gabby Bates and I am currently a Senior at Boise State. I am studying Accounting and Spanish and studied abroad in Bilbao, Spain during the Spring 2019 semester.