Past Events
Conference Presentations
2022 Foreign Language OER Conference
Presentation Title:
“Pathways Project: A Collection of Interpersonal Activities for French, German, Spanish (With More Languages to Come!)”
Presentation Description:
This presentation will explore the French, German, and Spanish Pressbooks collections available for download from the Pathways Project this spring. Each collection contains over 60 interpersonal speaking activities, across novice and intermediate proficiency levels for both face-to-face and online instruction. All activities are classroom-ready and consist of a facilitator guide, slide presentation deck and customizable activity materials. We’ll explore the anatomy of an activity, look at several sample activities and provide participants with the information needed to get started using the collection!
Video: 2022 Language OER Conference
Video contains closed captions and a transcript can be accessed online at YouTube: 8A Pathways Project
2022 Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages (PNCFL) Virtual Conference
Presentation Title:
“For Students by Students: The Pathways Project”
Presentation Description:
Are you looking for fun interpersonal activities to give your students more opportunities to speak in the target language? This presentation will showcase a variety of conversational activities created by upper-division students at Boise State University, as part of the Pathways Project. We’ll share some of our favorite activities in different languages and demonstrate how language teachers can use these fun, classroom-ready activities to get students speaking! Additionally, The Pathways Project team has been hard at work creating a free, digital book of our activities and we’re excited to share a preview with PNCFL participants.
Video: For Students by Students: The Pathways Project Spring 2022 PNCFL Presentation
Video contains captions an a transcript can be accessed online at YouTube: For Students by Students: The Pathways Project
2021 Foreign Language OER Conference
Presentation Title:
“The value of teams: a tried and true model for OER-enabled pedagogy that elevates students voices”
Presentation Description:
The Pathways Project uses an OER-enabled pedagogy framework (Wiley,, 2017) and comprises a community of K-16 world language instructors, staff and an interdisciplinary mix of university students who create ancillary, classroom-ready materials that are performance-based and target interpersonal speaking and interpretive listening. The Pathways Project is now in its third year and we have over 600 materials in our database. In this presentation, we will explain our model and, specifically, how we recruit and supervise student involvement as well as encourage faculty engagement. We will discuss the barriers we’ve encountered and how, after four cycles of supervising student-faculty lead teams, we’ve developed a system that elevates diversity, interdisciplinarity, teacher autonomy, and efficiency. A consistent concern amongst language faculty is maintaining a high level of quality and accuracy in materials created by language students. We’ll discuss our approach to addressing those concerns through our model that allows language majors, pre-service language teachers and even language minors to participate in a meaningful way. We will conclude our presentation by sharing our next steps to focus on and augment redistribution (a well-documented challenge in OER-enabled pedagogy) so that K-16 language teachers are empowered to grow in their teaching autonomy and the database continues to grow in order to reflect the diversity of its users.
Video: The Value of Teams
Video contains captions and a transcript can be accessed online at YouTube: Session 07, Room A
2021 Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages (PNCFL) Virtual Conference
Presentation Title:
“The Pathways Project Language Teaching Repository: Open Educational Resources (OER) for Your Language Classroom!”
Presentation Description:
The Pathways Project, an initiative from the Department of World Languages at Boise State University, is an open and collaborative network of 600+ “classroom-ready” instructional materials and professional development created by and uniquely for Idaho’s K-16 language teachers and students (and beyond!) In this presentation, we will walk you through how to access and download our free language teaching materials. In addition, we’ll showcase a selection of student-created materials and discuss how upper-division students are developing and sharing their own original materials for language instruction, promoting recruitment and retention amongst language students.
Video: The Pathways Project: OER for your Langugage Classroom 2021 PNCFL
Video contains closed captions and a transcript can be accessed online at YouTube: The Pathways Project: OER for Your Language Classroom! 2021 PNCFL
2020 National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) Virtual Summit
Presentation Title:
“Practical Ways to Simplify and Systematize Flipped Teaching for Language Learning”
Presentation Description:
This session will provide an abbreviated version of the online course Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. Participants will be introduced to the main concepts of the class and will learn the three key ”golden rules” for transitioning to teaching languages in a post-COVID world. This practical and hopeful session will help assuage any anxieties about the start of school in fall 2020.
Video: 2020 NFCL Virtual Summit
Video contains closed captions an a transcript can be accessed online at YouTube: Practical Ways to Simplify, Systematize Flipped Teaching
Overcoming Copyright Fears
In this one hour webinar, we’ll discuss best practices and practical strategies for deciding when and how much of a copyrighted work you can include under fair use. After the workshop, educators will be able to enrich their course materials with photos, video clips, newspaper articles, and more. Better yet, they will know how to share them with a larger audience.
Video: Overcoming Copyright Fears
Closed captions available and a transcript can be accessed online at YouTube: Overcoming Copyright Fears Webinar
Getting Started Webinar with Pathways Project Co-Directors
Presentation Title:
“Getting Started with the Pathways Project”
Presentation Description:
We’re pleased to share with you the recording from our April 9th webinar and a link to our “Getting Started” guide below. We hope that this short training and accompanying guide will help you to find activities suited for your language and targeted proficiency level.
Google Slides: Getting Started Guide (Self-Paced)
Video: Getting Started with the Pathways Project
Closed captions available and a transcript is available online at YouTube: Getting Started with the Pathways Project, Spring Training Webinar
2021 Idaho Open Education Week
Presentation Title:
“Students Creating OER Content: The Pathways Project at Boise State”
Presentation Description:
The Pathways Project, an initiative from the Boise State University Department of World Languages, is an open and collaborative network of 600+ “classroom-ready” instructional materials and professional development created by and uniquely for Idaho’s K-16 language teachers and students. In this student panel, you’ll hear from our OER editor team and learn how they work to support faculty who are creating OER. Additionally, they will discuss how upper-division language students are creating and sharing their own original materials for language instruction. This session may be of interest to language instructors interested in materials for their classrooms and faculty/staff who are interested in promoting student voices and experiences in the creation of OER.
Video: Students Creating OER Content
Video contains closed captions and a transcript is available online at YouTube: Students Creating OER Content: The Pathways Project at BSU
2021 Idaho Open Education Week
Presentation Title:
“Reworking OER to Fit Our Students’ Needs with Becca Sibrian”
Presentation Description:
Becca Sibrian has been using an OER text for first year German developed by COERLL (Center for Open Educational Resources in Language Learning) based at UT in Austin. The text is web-based text, and completely free for students and faculty to use. But in order to make this work better for her classroom, she decided to rework some of the materials and create her own text. The licensing for this text allowed Becca’s team to take material from that work and rework it for their purposes. Becca and her partner, Franziska Borders, have completed the grammar portion and will be working with content portions over summer 2021. This discussion will include: how the team started on this process, an introduction of the original resource, the process they undertook, how they use it in their courses, and the platforms used to create it (Pressbooks and H5P).
Video: Reworking OER to Fit Our Students Needs
Video contains closed captions and a transcript is available online at YouTube: Reworking OER to Fit Our Students’ Needs with Becca Sibrian
Boise State OER Lunch & Learn Series
Pathways Project co-directors Kelly Arispe and Amber Hoye hosted a showcase of the Pathways Project on September 24th for the Boise State community and others interested in learning more about the work being done at Boise State.
View “Pathways Project Showcase” Webinar Recording
(Closed Captioned)
Webinar Description:
The Pathways Project hosts a collection of over 450 classroom activities across 10 different languages, all collaboratively created by Idaho world language students and teachers. In this workshop, we’ll explore how we’ve used OER Commons to host these ancillary materials, our partnership with world language students and teachers, and share some lessons we’ve learned along the way! Participants will gain an understanding of the features of OER Commons, ideas for co-creating with students, and an understanding of resources available to K-16 language instructors.
Center for Open Education Resources for Language Learning (COERLL) OER Hangout
Presentation Title:
“Creating OER with Students”
Presentation Description:
In this discussion-based webinar, you will hear about two teams who have created open educational resources (OER) with their students.
Video: Creating OER with Students
Video contains closed captions and a transcript is available online at YouTube: COERLL OER Hangout September 2019 Creating OER with students
Information about presenters and their work:
Kelly Arispe and Amber Hoye lead the Boise State University Department of World Languages’ Pathways OER Language Teaching Repository, an open collection of instructional materials and professional development created by and uniquely for Idaho’s K-16 language teachers and students. Participating teachers and students come from different fields of study to create open digital activities that support the teaching and learning of foreign languages and promote intercultural competence.
Kathryn Murphy-Judy is part of a team of faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University who have developed an open, connected platform (here’s the French example) where 202 students curate – search, select, and share – authentic materials online and discuss their work in virtual exchanges with native speakers. Upper-level students help triage and scaffold the best curations into online interactive modules, with an eventual goal of integrating the materials into a a series of open textbooks.
Becoming an Expert: Learn how to Adopt & Adapt Interpersonal Speaking Activities
Presentation Title:
“Becoming an Expert: Learn how to Adopt & Adapt Interpersonal Speaking Activities for Your World Language Classroom”
Presentation Description:
Facilitated by Pathways Project Co-Directors, Kelly Arispe and Amber Hoye, with additional help from Cyndi Cook, Shannon Smith, and Sharon Westbrook. Description: On August 5, 2022, the Pathways Project facilitated a one-day virtual professional development workshop for world language teachers in the state of Idaho and across the globe. In this recording, we invite you participate in this hands-on workshop, where you’ll get to practice locating, editing, and creating Open Educational Resources in the Pathways Project. These activities integrate authentic resources and support performance based teaching in interpretive and interpersonal communication.
Video: Becoming an Expert
Video contains closed captions and a transcript is avilable online at YouTube: Becoming an Expert: Learn how to Adopt & Adapt Interpersonal Speaking Activities