Last fall, a group of six Southern Idaho K-12 world language teachers completed the first Pathways Project Research Cohort. We’re excited to introduce you to three more of these teachers and showcase the amazing activities they revised, remixed and redistributed back to the Pathways Project Community!
Below, we’re featuring a Level 1 (Grades 3-5) French activity by Danyelle Davis, a Level 4 Spanish activity by Briana Livingston, and a Level 1 German activity by Heidi Muri.

Danyelle Quincy Davis has been the K-5 French Teacher at Sage International School of Boise since its doors opened in 2010. Her children, Graeme (17) and Claire (12) attend there as well. Graeme, a graduating senior this year, was a member of the founding kindergarten class at Sage. Danyelle is a persistent advocate for K-16 language pathways and teacher leadership. She regularly presents at ACTFL and is currently serving on the boards of IATLC (Idaho Association of Teachers of Language and Culture) and NNELL (National Network for Early Language Learning).

Briana Livingston teaches Spanish II through V at Compass Academy, an Idaho Falls District 91 magnet high school. This is her 23rd year as an educator. She earned her BA in Secondary Education at Idaho State University, and she is excited to graduate in August 2023 with her M.A. in the Teaching of Languages with a Spanish emphasis from the University of Southern Mississippi. She and her husband have two children, ages 16 and 20, and they are currently hosting an exchange student from Italy. When she isn’t teaching or working on her masters’ degree, she loves reading everything that isn’t science fiction or fantasy, beating her husband at backgammon, spending time with family and friends, and watching Jeopardy!

Heidi Muri has been teaching at Meridian High School for 12 years and has taught German there for 10 of those! She is passionate about bringing experiences to her classroom in the target language that are as authentic as possible. She also loves taking her students to Germany as part of an exchange program and seeing them put what they’ve learned into real life practice! Outside of teaching, Heidi loves spending time with her three daughters and husband and doing anything outside, especially if it involves mountains or water!