How long have you served on the Advisory Board?
5 years.
Are you part of any committees? If so, what is your role?
I chair the Scholarship Committee and am a member of the Track 1 Committee.
What is your most memorable Osher Institute experience?
Hate to say it, but it was the Boise sewer plant (Boise Watershed) tour. Who would have thought that could be fun! And for a complete contrast, The Beethoven String Quartet Cycle Performances.
Favorite Osher presentation you have attended thus far?
Anything led by Marc Johnson. Also Carole Whiteleather’s Shakespeare classes. And Jessica Ires Morris’ Contemporary Theater Course. I could go on and on.
Are you a Boise native? If not, where are you originally from?
I should have been born in Idaho, but it took me 52 years to get here. I started in Connecticut, spent most of my adult life in Louisiana and finally found the promised land in 1999.
What is your career history?
Mostly health care. I spent a few years doing bedside nursing, stayed home with kids for several years and then spent 24 in health care leadership.
What hobbies do you enjoy?
Reading, planning my garden (I don’t really like doing the work), cooking and entertaining, and committees. And then, there are the grandchildren.
What are you doing to occupy your time during the stay-at-home order?
Reading, reading, reading. I am trying to read all I can in preparation for Sun Valley Writers’ Conference this summer—although I just heard it’s canceled. Right now, I am reading The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larsen, a great read about Churchill.