Although the Yanke building is closed, the Osher Institute staff has been working remotely at home. Continue reading to see what we’ve been up to!
Dana Thorp Patterson

My dining room office provides a lovely view of Loggers Pond and the foothills and my new routine allows for a refreshing and rejuvenating walk on the greenbelt daily. Along with finalizing the fall schedule, our whole team has been exploring alternative plans for delivery of programs, and this continues to be a priority. Every challenge presents an opportunity and we are leaning into the prospect of broadening and enhancing educational programs for the Osher Institute. The most difficult part of working from home is the absence of connecting with Osher members, but phone calls and emails fill the gap a bit. In my free time, I’ve caught up on some knitting/crochet projects and this week, I enjoyed reading Nicholi’s C.S. Lewis & Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life; Heather Lende’s Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs; and a re-read of Faulkner’s The Sound & the Fury. I would love to have more reading suggestions from members (hint, hint).
Jamie Lundergreen
Program Coordinator

From my sunny desk at home, I’ve been working on Special Interest Group (SIG) organization for the summer and fall as well as coordinating how we will be moving forward with the spring presenters whose offerings were canceled. I’ve continued to reconcile our financials, including the generous donations from members this past month! My desk has also become a playground for testing new technology and platforms that may help us deliver content online. After adjusting to this new normal, I’ve enjoyed building some time into my schedule for a midday yoga practice or run, and I know my dog Wookiee appreciates the extra walks and pets he’s been getting lately. I’m still working on teaching him how to type emails…
Holly Goldgrabe
Assistant Program Coordinator

As I’ve adjusted to working from home, I’ve kept busy with the fall semester catalog. I’ve been spending my days in InDesign files making sure every offering description is grammatically correct, pictures are cropped well, and lines are straight. I have also been writing blog posts for our virtual library (which you’re reading right now!). In my free time after work, I’ve been adding new skills to my ever-growing baking repertoire—focaccia and homemade bread are the newest additions! I’m also enjoying slower mornings to do yoga, cook breakfast, and enjoy hearing birds chirp outside my window.
Jeremy Trent
Administrative Assistant

Nestled comfortably in my West Boise home, I’ve been assembling an ever-expanding library of online resources for our Osher members to help keep them engaged during quarantine. In between online meetings with Osher staffers and captioning past recorded Osher lectures, my three dogs (!!!), parrot and cat have also been keeping my spirits up, though I suspect my cat wishes for more social distance from me as I keep messing up her fur with snuggle barrages! To avoid regressing into our state vegetable, I’ve been listening to a new album every day during regular walks through my neighborhood and trips to the park with my pooches. I’ve also been hard at work developing a full wizard beard that Gandalf and Merlin would be proud of!
Makayla Muilenburg
Student Office Assistant

While adjusting to this new normal there have been many changes implemented in my life from my school life to my Osher life. Recently I have been working on making captions for video-recorded lectures and putting together a handbook for the next student office assistant who will take over once I graduate in May. I have been fitting in daily walks on nicer sunny days and entertaining myself by trying out new recipes for dinner that I have always wanted to try but could never find time for.
We would love to hear what you’ve been up to! Email the Osher Institute at