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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Boise State University is a membership-based lifelong learning program. We offer a wide variety of college-level, non-credit programs designed for intellectually curious adults age 50 and over.

Learn more, age less!

Why become an Osher member?

Studies tell us that people who are involved in lifelong learning are happier and healthier. Being an Osher member allows you to engage with other lifelong learners, exchange ideas, and attend programs that cover a wide range of topics including music, history, science, and technology. Annual membership fees support the Institute to bring high-quality programming to members throughout the year.

Spring 2025 Semester Updates

Spring 2025 Registration

Registration for the Spring 2025 semester opens on Monday, December 9. You can visit the Log In/Register Online page to renew your membership now.

Osher Institute Programs Calendar

Minutes From the Main Campus

Ron & Linda Yanke Family Research Park
220 E. Parkcenter Blvd.
Boise, ID 83706

The Yanke building is open to the public. The Osher office and classrooms are housed in this building.
PLEASE NOTE: The Yanke building will be closed for HVAC repairs from December 13, 2024 through January 17, 2025. 

If you need to contact the Osher Institute, please call
(208) 426-6554 or email

Please display your parking permit inside the lower left side of your windshield. Visitors who do not have a parking permit must park in the visitor’s section on the east side of the parking lot.

Contact Us

Community Partners and Sponsors

The Osher Institute gratefully acknowledges our community partners and sponsors for their support of our mission of lifelong learning.

Hear From Our Members

In this video, hear from Osher members Carolyn Wolfe, Cindy Anson, Virginia Rivers, and Dennis Hall about their experience with the Osher Institute. Closed captions are available and a video transcript is provided.

Video Transcript

Carolyn Wolfe: Well there are many things that I really appreciate about the Osher Institute. I think one of the first ones is the idea to extend my learning ability and I enjoy learning.

Cindy Anson: I think what I like most about Osher is the opportunity to learn about something brand new and to take away as much as my brain can bare and know that I will know something more about the world than when I started out.

Carolyn Wolfe: I do believe in the motto of Lifelong Learning. I continue to take courses at BSU and have for five years as a senior citizen, but I also like the social aspect. I see the same people in the classes, I’ve made friends through the classes and I enjoy the Special Interest Groups, I’m one of the hikers every week during the fall and the winter and I really enjoy that.

Virginia Rivers: Osher to me it’s a place and a presence online and in the community as well where there’s an abundance of goodwill and it starts from the top down, the administration, the management team is just full of goodwill towards the members, but it’s also with the presenters that come and talk to us and give us information and educate us there’s also just this feeling of good will. But it’s also in the members, you know towards each other, back towards the administration. When I think of Osher that’s the term I think of, goodwill.

Dennis Hall: I’ll have to say, it’s been the number one best experience that we’ve had since moving to Boise. The classes are exceptional the instruction level is very high, the classes are all so very interesting. I don’t know what we would have done without Osher, it’s just phenomenal.

Gift Certificates are Available!

Give the Gift of Lifelong Learning

An Osher Institute gift certificate is the perfect gift for someone in your life who loves learning. Gift certificates can be purchased in any amount to be put towards membership and course fees.

To purchase, call Customer Services at (208) 426-1709.