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Farewell reception for Dr. Quincy Conley

Quincy Conley

The OPWL department is hosting a farewell reception for Dr. Quincy Conley in the OPWL office (ENGR building, room 327) on Friday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m. Dr. Conley has accepted a research position with Pearson Education and will be departing Boise, ID on Saturday, December 10.

Dr. Conley updated the e-learning curriculum in the department and brought an energy and enthusiasm for performance support and improvement to the department that will be greatly missed.

In the three years he was here, he collaborated with students on research ​resulting in ​four conference​ presentation​s and ​a publication, he set-up and run an iPerform lab that conducted usability studies, and redesigned and taught four OPWL courses.

His time here was short but ​the positive impact ​he made is already yielding long returns. He will be missed by the department and the entire student body. Please join us as we bid him a fond farewell and best wishes on his next adventure.