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Carol Porter was highlighted in a recent Boise State Adjunct Faculty Newsletter

Carol Porter

Carol Porter has been teaching for OPWL (formerly IPT) since Fall 2002 and has taught more than 42 classes for Boise State! Her first class was IPT 595 Reading and Conference – Comprehensive Exam Preparation which was the culminating course for the program at that time. This semester she is teaching OPWL 588 – Selected Topics Library Skills for Research.

In addition to her teaching, Carol has worked as a performance improvement consultant and instructional designer for a large international consulting firm, a small local consulting firm (which she co-founded and managed before moving to the US from Vancouver, BC) and as an independent consultant. As a consultant, she has worked in a variety of organizations – public, private and not-for-profit – so she brings a lot of relevant work experience to the OPWL classroom. “I have also worked in executive recruiting in the public and not-for-profit sector so I have a pretty good idea of what a wide variety of employers are looking for and what it takes to be successful in different kinds of organizations.”

When asked what she likes about teaching, she says, “Wow, that’s a big question! There is so much that I enjoy about teaching. I love being part of the ‘Aha!’ moments when things click and come together for students. I really like getting to know so many different people in different organizations and I am excited to hear how they are applying what they are learning on-the-job. It is an honor to have the opportunity to be a part of [student growth]. There is only so much that you can do as an individual, but when you can contribute to developing and empowering such an amazing group as our students the opportunities are virtually limitless!”