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Don Winiecki art exhibition

Winiecki art exhibition

Congratulations to OPWL professor Dr. Don Winiecki. His new art exhibition “Making the Familiar Strange” will be featured in the Boise State Student Union Building from April 20 – May 22. The reception will be held on Thursday, April 21 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.

Making the Familiar Strange presents a series of digital paintings generated by ANA, a software program developed by Boise State professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL), sociologist, and former illustrator Dr. Donald J. Winiecki. He has been writing the program to autonomously do things normally considered the domain of a human artist, modeled after his personal aesthetic and the processes he uses when making art in a conventional way. He says, “the software does not ‘think’, nor is it artificially intelligent (whatever that means), but it does make decisions about color, form, composition and subject matter, within a limited range.” In this exhibition Winiecki invites viewers to follow the development of ANA over time and to question what they think they “know” about the world, and about art.