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ISPI Bay Area Boise State (BABS) chapter


The OPWL department, students, and alumni have at various times expressed a wish for some type of virtual professional community that would provide networking and professional opportunities beyond the OPWL program itself.

The Boise State OPWL department has joined forces with what was the ISPI Bay Area chapter in Northern California to form a new organizational chapter that operates virtually. It is called the ISPI Bay Area Boise State (BABS) chapter.

This is a relatively small, new-ish chapter, and it is actively seeking to grow and expand. There are lots of opportunities to get involved and help shape it. The chapter is actively seeking volunteers to help! But if you want to start by just dipping your toe in the water, you can also begin to attend some of our monthly webinars and start to get a feel for it (webinars are free to all BSU OPWL students).

Chapter membership for students is $30 per year; membership for non-students is $50 per year.

Find out more on the ISPI Bay Area Boise State Chapter page on the OPWL site.