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Permanent Building Fund Requests

Each year, Boise State submits four project lists to the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council (PBFAC). These lists summarize the University’s Major Capital, Alteration and Repair, Six-Year Capital Plan, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) projects. PBFAC reviews all state agency requests and then provides a funding recommendation to the State Legislature. Ultimately, approved funding from the State of Idaho allows Boise State to make progress on its aggregate capital need.

The FY26 requests are detailed in tables on this page.

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Major Capital

This list reflects large-scale projects, including but not limited to new facilities. Often, if a project is expected to cost more than $1 million, it will be considered for the Major Capital list. Major Capital funding is not guaranteed each fiscal year.

PriorityTitleBudget RequestProject Total
1 Third Floor Labs Buildout, Bldg 393 (MCMR) $3,750,000 $4,750,000
2 Riverfront Hall Remodel, Bldg 34 (RFH)$15,000,000$25,000,000

Alteration and Repair and Deferred Maintenance Lists

This list summarizes Boise State’s high priority deferred maintenance and renovation needs. Importantly, it does not fully reflect the University’s overall alteration and repair need. The funding amount changes each fiscal year, with the amount received going toward highest priority projects first. Most projects, due to their cost, require a project manager from the Department of Public Works. Once funding is made available (beginning of fiscal year – July 1) it often takes 1-2 years to reach project completion.

Alteration and Repair

PriorityTitleBudget RequestRunning Total
1South Campus Power Loop Connection- Phase 2, Exterior$600,000$600,000
2Alteration - Labs & Classrooms , Campus Wide$1,800,000$2,400,000
3Alteration - Steam Boiler Addition and Ventilation- Phase 1, Bldg 365 (CPV7)$500,000$2,900,000
4Alteration - Access Control, Multiple Buildings$300,000$3,200,000
5Alteration - Third Floor Labs West Side Finish Out, Building 393 (MCMR)$1,500,000$4,700,000
6Alteration - Reconfiguration Room 227, Building 368 (AFC)$200,000$4,900,000
7Alteration - Albertsons Library Renovations- Phase 2, Building 027 (ALBR)$1,500,000$6,400,000
8Alteration - Renovate Classroom 112, Building 259 (NNHS)$600,000$7,000,000
9Mapping of Fiber Optic Lines, Campus Wide$100,000$7,100,000
10Fiber Loop phase 5, Campus Wide$245,000$7,345,000
11Alteration - Connect Walk-In Cooler/Freezers to Generator, Bldg 267 (ERB)$400,000$7,745,000
12Alteration - Central Communications Room Modifications, Bldg 348 (UP)$245,000$7,990,000
13Alteration - Distributed Chilled Water System, Building 267 (ERB)$500,000$8,490,000
14Chiller Overhauls / Rebuilds, Multiple Buildings$150,000$8,640,000
15Alteration - Pool Removal- Phase 1, Building 037 (KINX)$450,000$9,090,000
16Beacon Sidewalk Completion- Phase 2, Exterior$400,000$9,490,000

Deferred Maintenance

PriorityTitleBudget RequestRunning Total
1Replacement - Fire Alarm Systems, Multiple Buildings$1,000,000$1,000,000
2Switchgear Replacements, Multiple Buildings$1,000,000$2,000,000
3Galvanized Piping Replacements, Multiple Buildings$1,000,000$3,000,000
4HVAC R-22 Replacements, Multiple Buildings$1,000,000$4,000,000
5Roofing Replacements, Multiple Buildings$750,000$4,750,000
6Repair and Replacement - Facade Maintenance, Building 93 (CHLC)$400,000$5,150,000
7Medium Voltage Electrical Replacements: Cabling & Switchgear, Campus Wide$500,000$5,650,000
8Recommissioning, Multiple Buildings$200,000$5,850,000
9Masonry Repair, Multiple Buildings$500,000$6,350,000
10Window Replacements, Multiple Buildings$500,000$6,850,000
11Replace Back Entrance Steps and Ramp, Building 289 (YFRP)$250,000$7,100,000
12Replace Make-up Air Units, Building 11 (COMB)$150,000$7,250,000
13Elevator Repairs / Replacements, Multiple Buildings$1,000,000$8,250,000
14Academic Wing HVAC Controls Replacement, Bldg 14 (MORR)$300,000$8,550,000
15Plumbing System Replacements, Multiple Buildings$100,000$8,650,000

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Projects

These requests are submitted to the State and specifically target projects that advance ADA compliance on campus. Some examples include sidewalks, building entrance projects and restrooms.

PriorityTitleBudget RequestRunning Total
1 Restroom and General Accessibility Deficiencies, Multiple Buildings $500,000$500,000
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