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Routine Duties

Campus Planning Routine Duties

1, 5, and 10 Year Capital Plan Development and Management

  • Master Capital Project Tracking Report
  • Individual Capital Plans for auxiliary departments
  • Develop And maintain long-range capital planning reports and recommendations
  • Assist and Support State Board of Education (SBOE) Process
    • Responsible for 6-year plan oversight and implementation of SBOE policy per campus development of agenda items for approval at SBOE

Permanent Building Fund Request development and management

  • Analysis of past and future requests each fiscal year
  • Develop Major Capital Project and Alterations and Repairs requests each fiscal year
  • Develop and manage the university’s 6-year Capital Plan
  • Assist Architectural and Engineering Services (AES) in the implementation of Permanent Building Funds

Programming and planning for new and existing physical facilities

  • Develop strategic programming and planning analysis
  • Provides data and recommendations for strategic campus utilization
  • Provides AES with a scope, schedule, and budget for design and construction implementation
  • Oversee implementation and amendments to the Campus Master Plan

Space Management Routine Duties

Physical Facilities Inventory Data Management

  • Physical Facilities Inventory (PFI) report
  • Administer campus space surveys to ensure data validity
  • Maintain data for all academic and auxiliary space reports
  • Ad hoc reporting as requested by university departments
    • Academic Departments
    • Budget Office
    • Treasury Department
  • Ongoing studies and analysis of space utilization based on current trends and other benchmarks
  • Analysis of future space requirements
  • Projection of departmental space needs based on current trends
  • Reassignments of space which becomes available due to commission of new buildings

Facility Management Drawings (FMD)

  • Perform regular site surveys to ensure that the FMD Drawings are coordinated and associated data is up-to-date
  • Coordinate with Architectural and Engineering Services to ensure accuracy of the facility management drawings

Assist and support the Executive Space Planning (ESP) and Space Planning Advisory (SPA) Committees

  • Receive all space requests, analyze and prepare recommendations for review by the SPA committee and approval by the ESP committee
  • Develop and recommend space assignment policies and procedures
  • Develop and maintain long-range space utilization plans for university facilities
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