Investing in your degree is a smart decision.
According to, bachelor’s degree graduates can earn 66% more than high school graduates over a 40-year working life. The time and money invested in a bachelor’s degree pay off, and with Boise State’s online project management degree, you get an affordable $375 per credit rate with no out-of-state fees.
Total Online Project Management Degree Investment
Your total online project management degree costs at Boise State will vary depending on your previous credits. Review the following table for an example of the total program cost for a student completing the 83 credits required to graduate with a Bachelor in Project Management.
*The per-credit fees listed above are for the 2024-25 academic year. Future academic year per-credit fees may vary slightly and are finalized each May. Depending on your prior credits and transfer coursework, additional credits may be necessary to fulfill the degree requirements at Boise State. Please reach out to our student success team to le
Emphasis Areas and Certificates
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