Course Description
Official course descriptions and degree plans are published on the undergraduate catalog website.
To find a course, click the “Courses” tab and select the drop-down list that aligns with your desired course prefix (e.g. PROJMGT300). You may also use the search bar to search for the course prefix.
University Foundations Courses
These University Foundations courses may be met through transfer coursework, or they may be incorporated into your program of study at Boise State. They are required in order to earn your bachelor’s degree.
*Foundation Discipline (FD) courses are part of the Boise State University Foundations program. For more details and a list of available courses, see Online University Foundations Courses.
Course Availability by Semester
The following table is a general guide of when courses will be offered. You should work with your advisor to plan your individual academic path based on the following schedule and your full or part-time status. This course carousel is also available as a google sheet for your convenience.
Boise State maintains authorization to offer online programs in Idaho and beyond. Detailed information about state authorization is available on the eCampus Center website.
Emphasis Areas and Certificates
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