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OPWL Research and Development Labs

The Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning program offers students a unique opportunity to participate in faculty-led research. Like our programs, the research and development labs are conducted 100% online.

Apply your learning, build your portfolio and deepen your connections to faculty and peers!

Human Resource Development and Strategic Partnership (HRDSP) Lab

The mission of the HRDSP lab is to develop HRD/OD solutions for organizations while working as partners, engage in research, publications and presentations and expand and fortify the HRD arm of the OPWL program.

The Human Resource Development and Strategic Partnership Lab is led by Dr. Jelena Pokimica

Learn more about the HRDSP Lab

Interactive Learning Lab

The Interactive Learning Design Lab focuses on creating, assessing and publishing highly interactive and engaging learning design artifacts and related research that improve performance in organizations and other adult learning contexts.

Rafael De Silva

The Interactive Learning Lab is led by Dr. Rafael da Silva.
Learn more about the Interactive Learning Lab

Learning Strategy Lab

Through the lenses of adult cognition, organizational behavior and expertise development, we explore learning strategy and design in the Learning Strategy Lab. Our work centers on two efforts. First, we engage in cutting-edge research to advance industry practice for improving performance across a variety of critical, strategic learning issues. Second, we partner with organizations in industry to complete consultative projects.

Seth Aaron Martinez

The Learning Strategy Lab is led by Dr. Seth-Aaron Martinez.
Learn more about the Learning Strategy Lab

Process Management Lab

The Process Management Lab helps small to mid-sized nonprofit organizations build internal infrastructure to achieve missions and serve their communities. Consulting for good, we bring faculty, graduate and student expertise to nonprofits who otherwise could not afford them.

The Process Management Lab is led by Dr. Steven Villachica and Dr. Rob Anson.

Steve Villachica

Steven Villachica, Ph.D.




Rob Anson

Rob Anson, Ph.D.

Learn more about the Process Management Lab

More Program Details

About Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning

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How to Apply

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Classes and Scheduling

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Cost, Assistantships and Scholarships

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Career Opportunities

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Alumni Testimonials

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