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Individual Online Classes

Boise State offers hundreds of individual courses online, giving you flexibility and convenience in earning credits toward your degree. Use the course list cards to view a complete list of courses available online.

How to Get Started

Before signing up for a class, be sure to speak with your academic advisor to ensure the class fits into your degree plan. If you are looking for a fully online degree program, search our list of online programs to learn more.

  1. To get started, use our course list to locate the online course or courses you’d like to register for.
    If you’ve never taken online courses, we recommend exploring our site to learn more about how they differ from in-person courses.
  2. If you are currently an active Boise State student, follow these step-by-step directions to search and register for classes. Filter your search to show online classes by setting the Location parameter to equal “Online”.
    If you are not currently admitted to the university, please submit an application for admission.
  3. Online classes begin on the published start date. Faculty typically notify students on or before that date with more details.

Summer 2025 Online Course List

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Contact our enrollment and student success team for support by emailing us at, calling (208) 426-5921 or clicking the Chat button.
