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Cyber Internship Guide

As a student in the Bachelor of Science in Cyber Operations and Resilience or Bachelor of Applied Science, Cyber Operations Emphasis, you are encouraged to build an internship into your degree plan. Internships provide opportunities to gain professional experience and apply your classroom knowledge in the workplace.

Visit the Career Services website to learn more about internships at Boise State, including why internships are valuable, how to register for academic credit and tips for making the most of your experience.

Learn more about why it’s worth adding an internship to your cybersecurity degree: Boise State’s cyber students use internships to catapult their careers.

Steps to Getting a Cyber Internship

Step 1: Determine Your Goals

Your first step is to determine what kind of experience you want to have — and where — before you start searching for internships. Here’s how to get inspired and set goals:

  • Spark ideas by using the Career Services Internship Database to search past internships. Log in using your Boise State username and password. Select your department (Cyber Operations and Resilience) and browse descriptions of internships other students in your major have completed.
  • Your internship should be as closely related to your post-graduation career goals as possible. If you don’t know your career goals yet, one resource to use in exploring your options is “What Can I do With This Major?” — a free tool provided by Career Services. You can also meet with a career counselor to take a career assessment and explore different paths.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m already employed. Can I get academic credit from my place of work?

While it is possible to complete an internship in your current organization, your internship duties cannot be your current work duties. You must look for new projects that allow you to apply classroom knowledge outside of your immediate job. Discuss the idea with your workplace supervisor first, then with Michelle Bassett to get approval.

How many hours do I need to work at my internship?

You should work no less than 10 hours per week and up to 40 hours per week, depending on your capacity and the needs of your internship site.

How many credits will I earn?

In general, the breakdown of credits is:

  • 10 hours per week = Two credits per semester
  • 20 hours per week = Three credits per semester
  • 21-40 hours per week = Four to six credits per semester

Do I have to pay tuition for CORe 493?

Yes, like all of the cyber operations and resilience classes, you will pay the university for the academic credit you earn at a rate of $375/credit hour. View the program cost page for more information.

IMPORTANT: If you only need two credits to meet your program and graduation requirements, you should register for two academic credits from your internship (even if you are working more than 10 hours per week). Check with your academic advisor if you are unsure about how many credits you should be registering for.

Maybe. It depends on the placement. We recommend you discuss this with your potential internship supervisor before you agree to the placement.

Are there assignments in CORe 493?

You will complete weekly progress reports and activities in the CORe 493 Canvas course to summarize your learnings. The final report will build on your progress reports and consists of five pages per credit hour.

Internship Help

If you can’t find the answer to a question or you want to talk about a specific situation, please reach out to us. Finding an internship is a process, and we’re here to help!