What can I do with a cybersecurity degree?
The following statistics are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor:
Possible Careers
- Cybersecurity Analyst
- Security Analyst IÂ
- Information Security Developer
- Network Analyst
- IT Security Analyst
- Information Security Analyst
- IT Security Governance
- Identity Management
- Security Assurance Analyst
- Network Analyst
Projected New Jobs
- 33% job growth from 2023-2033.
Median Salary
- $120,360 annually or $57.87 hourly.Â
Cybersecurity Degree Outcomes
The Bachelor of Science in Cyber Operations and Resilience prepares you to join the workforce with knowledge in systems thinking to improve security and resilience.
Our courses are taught by industry experts who bring examples and connections from industry experience and realistic expectations for the field.
You will develop the knowledge and skills necessary for a broad framework of cyber application.
Learn the correct fundamentals of cybersecurity operations, resilience, risk assessment and information assurance to cyber-physical and information systems.
Stakeholder Relations
Recognize industry-acceptable cybersecurity models to secure, inform, involve and educate stakeholders in security and resilience operations and strategies.
Make decisions based on the ethics, laws, policies and governance of the cybersecurity field.
Evaluation and Maintenance
Continuously evaluate and monitor the operational and resilient maturity of an entity.
Practice acceptable tactics, techniques, and procedures necessary to enhance cyber-physical and informational security operations and resiliency.
Analysis and Operations
Analyze operation and resiliency policies, metrics, testing and security solutions for an entity using both rigorous risk assessment and threat intelligence people, processes, tools and measures.
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