Step 2: Determine how many credits you are registered for
15 Weeks
Depending on your outside commitments, you may have time to take more credits during a 15 week session than during one of the condensed 7 or 5 week sessions.
Step 3: Make a Plan!
Now that you know about how much time you need to spend each week on your classes, take some time to make a plan for success. Use the other resource topics on this page as your guide.
Work, school, family, life! How do I keep it all straight?
Create a master calendar for all your important dates, deadlines, and events.
In addition to taking online classes, you may also have a variety of responsibilities on your plate such as personal, work, and/or family obligations. Having all your important dates and deadlines in one place will help you to see your busy times and be better equipped to handle unexpected events as they occur. Include dates, deadlines, and events from the following three categories:
This includes your study plan, group meetings, lab times, class schedules, assignment due dates, exams, and other important deadlines for the University.
This includes personal and family events like medical appointments, birthdays, holidays, volunteer work, sporting/recreation events, and vacations.
This includes work obligations like business trips, retreats, projects, or particularly busy times where you may need to dedicate more time.
Identify Areas Where You Can Scale Back
If your plate feels a little full, try and identify areas where you can scale back until school is complete.
Consider limiting volunteer work, look for ways friends and family can help with some responsibilities, and avoid unnecessary projects or tasks until your schedule calms down. Remember, in the long run, going to school is a temporary situation, you will graduate and move on to bigger and better things. In the meantime, scaling back on some obligations where you can increase your chances for a successful experience.
Your master calendar can be paper or electronic – select the option that works best for you
You can buy a student planner, download a mobile app, or even use Google Calendar!
How do I create a weekly study plan?
A study plan keeps you on track for success!
We recommend setting up a study plan to help keep you on track. This way you are more likely to spend enough time each week to be successful without dedicating too little or too much time to one course.
The Weekly Study Plan
Not sure how to start? We’ve got you covered!
The idea behind the weekly study plan is to spread your time over the entire week, while still leaving a day or two for a break from school. After all, finding a balance between school, work, and life, is critical to staying engaged, motivated, and in control during the semester.
Step One
Identify blocks of time each day to devote to each class.
Step Four
Begin working on the activities you identified.
Step Two
Review your course schedule to determine the class activities.
Step Five
Repeat five day planning each week for every course.
Step Three
Fill out your weekly study plan with activities and time blocks on a calendar template
Add your study plan to your master calendar
Once you have completed your study plan for the week, add it to your master calendar so you can see your plan next to all your other time commitments.
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